
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thanks and some family pictures

Thank you to everyone that has been praying for our family during the hard time of saying goodbye to my Grandma. It's still pretty difficult, but I'm thankful the Lord is our comforter! Thank you for praying for Josh and Patrick, too. They've arrived safely in St. Barths. Patrick said the airplane trip was a real eye-opener for Josh :o) They love our house! They received our first shipment of stuff today and have started unpacking. Pray for me and the girls and Silas as we leave Tuesday morning to catch our flight.

Here's some pictures my Mom took of our family not too long ago. I just love them!


  1. I love the pictures, Kami! Thanks for posting even amidst the last minute details of departure. May God's peace surround your family! I really enjoy following your blog.

    blessings from cold Michigan!

  2. Great family pictures! I have been thinking of you and praying for your family in a special way lately. Such exciting times.... :)

  3. Beautiful pics! You still don't look a day over 19! :) Praying for you as you start your new minisrty.

    Julia (Fry) Charland

  4. The pictures came out beautiful! I just love them...especially Callie Grace's missing shoe in the first one. ;) hehe TOO cute! You look beautiful!
