
Monday, May 2, 2011


Tomorrow is the day we have been aiming for for five years...Five!! Wow! Tomorrow Elisabeth, Brenna, Silas, Callie and I will board a plane in Miami, have a layover in St. Maarten, then arrive in St. Barthelemy in the afternoon. Yay!!
It has been a flurry of activity here in Fort Myers preparing everything and everyone to leave. I'm exhausted. I've created many memories with my family this past week, they sure are the greatest! Patrick and Josh have been busy preparing things at our new home for me and the girls, and Silas. I think they're ready for us to be there, though. So, please be praying for us. Pray for safety, and easy adjustment, and pray for my family that is here. I don't think parents are ever really prepared for their children to move so far away.

Our cell phone number will be the same (we're switching to vonage), but won't be up and running until the middle of May. Same thing with our internet...the middle of May. So, this could be my last post for a while.

Thanks, everyone, for your encouraging words and prayers for our family during deputation and language school. Now, it's of to the field God has called us to! :o)


  1. I have never left a comment here before, but I just want to let you know that I am praying for you and your family to have a safe trip.

  2. I'm so excited for you! May God bless you and give you peace and joy in all the upcoming adjustments!

    I've been following your blog for a couple years... it's so exciting to see the "big day" has finally arrived!

  3. I am praying too! By the way, where is St. Barth's? That is the right name of the place you are going, right? I don't think I ever heard of it until I read your blog.

  4. I am just now getting a chance to comment, but have been praying for you. Happy Mother's Day!
