
Sunday, December 4, 2011

21 Weeks

Today we are 21 weeks along in our pregnancy. That's over half way! I am getting so excited to meet this active little one. This baby is really starting to move and kick. I love to see my belly all of a sudden move from movement of my growing baby.

We are beginning now to keep our eye out for airplane tickets for our family. I met with our midwife while in Florida, and she really thinks it would be best if I'm back by 36 weeks (that's March 19th). We had to make a decision about where to have our baby. It is not legal to give birth here in St. Barths. They say they just don't have the proper faciliteis for labor and delivery. Basically our two choices are:

1. Have baby in St. Martin. This would mean leaving ahead of time and finding a hotel that is large enough for our family or have two rooms. Then, wait for me to go into labor and have the baby at the hospital in St. Martin.

2. Have baby in Florida. This would mean still leaving ahead of time, but no hotel and good cooking provided by my sweet family!

We prayed and decided the Lord would have us to go with option 2. This will save us a lot of money also. Yes, we will have the price of airline tickets, but after paying for two hotel rooms for that long, plus meals, it's much cheaper in Florida! Plus, I really like to have my babies at home. If the Lord allows, and things progress smoothly, we will have the baby at my Mom and Dad's house. We found a midwife, recommended by some sweet Godly friends, that is willing to let me monitor my own prenatal time. That's a blessing! I will be in contact with her plenty and sending stats and info to her, but I won't see her again until 36 weeks. (that's when me and some of the kids will fly out) Patrick's plan is to stay here until the first of April. I will be praying bunches the baby will wait until its Daddy is there before making its entrance! After baby comes, Patrick will stay a little longer, then head back to St. Barths. I will need to wait until the birth certificate and passport come for baby Gimenez.

For now, I'm just enjoying preparing for Christmas, enjoying my 5, and dreaming about number 6!


  1. I am excited for you and glad that God has led your family in what to do. I didn't realize you were that far along!

  2. You look adorable!I will be praying that all goes well for when you come back here and that the baby will wait until Patrick comes in April. Please tell Patrick that I will wait until this baby is born before I begin to pray for baby #7!!...rofl..
