
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Decking the Halls

We love decorating for Christmas and we kept our tradition of decorating on Thanksgiving Evening. After putting together our artificial tree (it was different trying to put all the branches in the right color!), Brenna sweetly led Callie over to "introduce" her to our tree and try and talk her into not tearing it to pieces! I'm not sure if the talk worked, but she was very excited about our tree!

Silas loved seeing all of the ornaments and lights!

Joshua is really into all of our traditions and knows them by heart. He's keeping us on schedule!

Next year, Beth wants us to do more of a color cooridinated tree. We shall see! She's definitely growing up!

Can you tell Patrick really loves decorating for Christmas!

Brenna hangs all of the ornaments with care and loves to look at the dates on the back.

It's always our tradition for me to put the star on top of the tree. It's something my Dad started when I was little. Being #3 really does have its perks! :o)

I've always wanted a nice manger scene. I have a small plastic one with one inch figures that the kids love to play with. I like to have some decorations that they can touch and we can help them learn the true meaning of Christmas. But....I've always wanted one of those super nice ones that are only to look at. Well, my sweet Momma heard that I wanted a Nativity Scene and gave me one of hers before we left for St. Barths. So, this gorgeous set floated on a boat from the states to arrive here! And I LOVE it! I have it high on a shelf so as to not tempt my little ones, and I love it! Thanks Mom!

And our stockings! They aren't exactly hung by the chimney! :o) Patrick came up with a way for us to hang them in the entrance to the kitchen. I love it! Even our sweet baby-yet-to-come has a stocking!

Last year we started a tradition of having a stocking for Jesus. On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (we're still talking about which would be best) we're going to reveal our gifts that we gave to Christ last year, then we'll make new commitments for him for this coming year, which will be our "gift" to Him!

All done! I love our Christmas trees and each year I think it's my favorite!

Did you notice our tree skirt? I'm going to post on it next time!


  1. Family traditions are great, especially when you're far away from your extended family. My Beth is also a color-coordinated-tree kinda girl, and it started when she was in her teens. I really like your stocking for Jesus and your commitments as gifts to Him. I'd love a nativity too, and looking forward to hearing about your tree skirt!

  2. I love all your traditions and glad Josh is reminding you of all of them. :-) Callie's picture is so precious, she's trying to smile and trying to remember not to touch the confusing for little ones.
    Thanks for posting all the pics, love and miss you,
    Love, MOM

  3. in the world did Patrick get the stockings to stay up there?We have arches and openings like this and I can Never get them to stay up.You will have to write me on here or one of my kids fb to answer since I am now off of fb..way to much for

  4. Hey Keri! I can answer your question, although all I did was watch! He first drilled a hole in each "frame" of the entryway, then screwed in a screw, then laced the stocking through a strong red ribbon , then tied it to the screws. Then, he put garland around it. I just love it! I don't know how I'll feel about the holes after the holidays, though!
    Happy Decorating!
