
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Great Toddler Craft!

I know this will make some of my northern friends just a little jealous, but I thought I'd go ahead and post anyway! :o)
Silas, Callie and I made some bird feeders to attract more birds to our yard. They've been gone for quite a while and have finally returned about a month ago. I love the sounds of singing birds in our yard! So, here's what we did..... First I took a few oranges, cut them in half and squeezed out the juice. (Don't you just love fresh squeezed orange juice!?)

Then, I took our hole punch and punched two holes across from each other.

Then, I begged Beth for some of her embroidery floss and threaded it through the holes. I made it pretty long so the bird feeders would hang pretty low on the tree. (High enough for Silas and Callie not to grab them, but low enough for them to see them)

Then, came the fun part! We went outside and S & C filled the oranges with birdseed using spoons. (Callie tried to eat most of her birdseed, silly girl!)

Brenna helped us hang our oranges from our trees. I picked places where the kiddos could see the feeders when they glance out the window.

After that it was time to wait. We called for birds and asked them where they were. We told them all about the great snack they had waiting for them in the oranges!

Fearing the birds wouldn't come....I started to pray! Lord, please bring the birds! Sure enough, within 3 minutes we had some birds come to enjoy their snack! yay!

It was a great way to welcome the birds back to the Gimenez yard!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Family Fun Night Restaurant Style

At the beginning of last week Patrick and I told the kids we had planned an exciting Family Fun Night for Friday, but it would be a surprise. (Usually we plan it together) This killed Brenna especially! She asked for so many hints! We decided we would surprise them with going out to a special restaurant in our living room. We've done this before and we all have such a great time! Patrick was their greeter and spoke to them in frenglish (english and french). He really had them giggling!

They actually had choices on their menus this time! But, we tried to steer them in the direction of what we were actually making! For instance, for the appetizer they could choose either 1. Caviar a la St. Barths-a fine shark caviar drizzled with raw eggs, served with crackers. or 2. Parmesian Garlic Mussels- a hearty portion of our finest French mussels sauteed in our rich butter and garlic sauce, served with our homemade Sauce de Tartar and Sauce de Cocktail. They chose the mussels! Notice how Brenna is sniffing the dish and it looks like Beth is making the Catholic sign over her chest! (She isn't, though!)

Then, after serving the bread and salad, we turned on an old Western for them. They love them and giggle (I find them quite silly, but I'm glad they enjoy something good to watch on the TV!) (So thankful for internet where you can find stuff like that for free to watch!)

For the main course they chose the Seared Garlic and Butter Beef Tips. It was soooo good! (I ate what Brenna requested I put in a Doggy Bag for her leftovers :o)

Then, they chose the Mint Ice Cream for dessert. Patrick topped each off with one of his Candies from Christmas. They were so sweet when they saw it and said, "But, Dad! These are your Christmas Candies!) (Soooo sweet of them!)
It was a great great great Family Fun Night. Our kids are amazing and really help us here in the ministry. They are ready at all times to do whatever we need and they have truly made our family a team! I'm thankful for a special night that Patrick and I could "serve" them for a change. What special kiddos the Lord has blessed me with!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Such Sweeties!

For Christmas my super sweet Mother-in-law gave Patrick and I some money to go out just the two of us to eat at a restaurant. Did you hear that? A real restaurant!!! Restaurants here are super expensive, so they definitely aren't in our monthly budget. My parents took us out while they were here. So, this was the second time for us to experience a Chic St. Barths restaurant. We looked and pondered trying to decide which one to go to. Then, we walked past Eddy's one day. It's in downtown Gustavia. The atmosphere looked wonderful, so we knew it was the place for us. The night finally arrived and Patrick and I enjoyed strolling on the docks downtown, window shopping, and then eating at Eddy's. The food was soooo amazing. And we sat outside in a garden like, candlelit atmospere. Talk about romantic! Then, we came home to this.... Our sweet older three are so good to us! They watched Silas and Callie while we went out. Then put them to bed. Then, Josh had an idea and he and the girls went with it! They put a cute sign on our bed that they all signed. They had candles all over our bedroom, and music playing. Then, they showed us the closet that usually holds shoes, my dresser of clothes and some of our hanging things. Josh had moved all that out and put the TV in there with the computer hooked up to it so we could watch a movie together. (We've found a site that has cute romantic comedies from the 30's and 40's, Perfect for date night!)

They had also made us some fruit tea in our "date night" cups.

How thoughtful my kiddos are! They knew Momma and Daddy needed some time alone. They sure are such sweeties!

Friday, January 27, 2012

2nd Finish for 2012!

I'm so excited to have a second quilt finished for this year! Yay! I've been so motivated (I know little Gimenez will be here soon and time for quilting will stop for a while) and I've gotten so much done lately! I made this quilt for Patrick's Grandma, Mama, for her birthday. Mom gave me the idea for the pattern because it comes together so quickly. She's made it a couple of times and they all turn out so beautiful! So, I tried it and I loved it!

Such sweet helpers to help me take a photo shoot of the quilt!

The name I chose for this quilt is quite simple. "Bonne Anniversaire Mama" Which means Happy Birthday in French!

I'm super duper excited about my next quilt! Brenna and I just finished designing it on graph paper and I have the stack of fabric next to my sewing machine just waiting to be cut!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Heart of the Matter ~My "Dwell" Project

So, did you make a craft or do a project to help your heart remember to dwell on things of the Lord? I did, and as usual, the Lord was teaching me something along the way.

I decided to a make a mug rug. They were very popular with quilt bloggers last year and I loved looking at all of them! (Mug Rugs are basically mini placemats used to put your morning coffee or tea on.) So, I decided I would jump on the bandwagon and make a Mug Rug that says “dwell.” I picked some of my favorite colors, cut out the word dwell and sewed it to my cute patch of fabric. Then, I sewed all the little squares together, sandwiched them with some heat-resistant batting, and sewed on the binding….my project was going along so good! Then it was time to trim the threads. I snipped, snipped, snipped, then OH NO! I snipped too far and cut part of the mug rug. I couldn’t believe it! I created something and worked hard at it. I had good intentions, but then I carelessly messed it up. How could this happen? Then, I felt the Lord gently tap me on the shoulder. How was I going to handle this small teensy problem that came up? I looked at my options. I could: 1.Cry 2. Complain to Patrick and cry on his shoulder 3.Do my best to fix it. I decided I would fix it, and it would still be usable. I sewed up my mistake. You can still see it, but it is still a mug rug, and I had a great time making it. When I use it in the morning I have learned not to focus on the mistake anymore.

Isn’t that just like us and our “heart problems”? We have good intentions. We’re going along good in our day, so excited about how things are going, then “OH NO”! Before we know it, our heart starts to dwell on something it shouldn’t. Our dwelling heart then affects how we treat our family, and before we know it, we’re a grump! How did this happen? We were going to do so good today! We have some options when this happens. We can: 1.Cry 2.Complain to someone else. 3.We could do our best to make it right. Choose option 3! We can go to the Lord and ask Him to forgive us for not keeping our heart under control. We can then go to the people that our grumpy heart affected. Don’t be afraid to ask your children to forgive you! (In fact, they will learn the “heart” of forgiveness by your example.) Then, commit to try again. Our flesh surely is weak and if we aren’t careful our mess-ups will make us feel like we can never be the woman God wants us to be. I encourage you to just keep trying. Take one day at a time. Purpose in your heart to not dwell on all of the mistakes you’ve made, but to dwell on working to be that “Virtuous Woman”.

I'm looking forward to next month as we focus on another word God uses concerning our heart!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

28 Weeks

We are officially 28 weeks pregnant! Yikes! I'm starting to feel pretty huge and thinking, "How can I possibly go 12 more weeks!" (My due date is April 17th) I have my mile long list of all the things I want to complete before I leave for Florida March 19th. Plus adding on several trips to St. Martin to do the never ending process of registering my Visa. I'm one busy girl right now! So, I'm pushing aside thoughts of being uncomfortable (trying to) and enjoying feeling all of the kicks from my sweet little one. March 19th will be here before I know it. And starting on that date Mom and Dad will take care of me and I'll relax! :o)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Look what I found at the store!

For the most part we have acclimated pretty well to the food here. We like it! I've learned some new ways to cook things (like making my own cream of chicken soup, and baking lots of bread for PBJ's) and have added some West Indies flare to my cooking, too. But, it's still easy to miss some of the things I don't always get here. So, I was very, very excited and thrilled when I saw these two in the store!!!

I've been looking for Hamburger Dill Chips for about 3 months. (I saw a recipe of Paula Deen's for Fried Pickles that I was dying to try!) When I saw these I grabbed them! Then, I found my absolute, all-time, most favorite chips in all the world...Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream!!! Oh la la! I went home with these two wonders and we had some good subs for lunch (on french bread, mmmmm) with real pickles on top and the perfect chip on the side. It was fabulous!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Night in the Life.....

I realized the other day that I might not be staying quite true to the title of my blog. How often do I show you a true day in my life? As with many families, and especially people in full-time ministry, you never know what a day will hold! Often my plans and endless lists are pushed aside for some "real life". Know what I mean? So, I thought I would post one of our evenings. Nothing too spectacular, so you've been forewarned! :o) This is a few nights ago around 7:45pm. Dinner and dishes are done. No specific plans for the evening.

This evening found Elisabeth working late at the table on Math. OOOOHHH, Math! She needed Daddy's help, so he was there with her. Then, Brenna couldn't quite understand how to complete her Art Test. She's learning shading and what light does to objects. She's doing very well but couldn't quite get the shading from the sun right. So, sweet Daddy jumped in and helped her as well.

My Josh just abouts always has school done by 2. He works very quick and his grades are good! Yay! I'm so proud of my 15 year old that absolutely loves his baby brother and sister. He says Callie is the prettiest girl on the island! (I'm hoping he'll think that for a few more years! :o) So, on this night there was lots of giggling and running while the three of them played Hide and Go Seek. Silas and Callie don't exactly "get" the game yet. Whether they are the hiders or the seekers they are always counting and hiding. They love it!

Well, for me? It was laundry time! Folding laundry isn't exactly my favorite chore to do. But, on this night I was very thankful to do it for a couple of reasons.

1. I finally had some dry laundry to fold! We haven't had lots of rain lately, but I can't seem to time hanging my laundry out at the right time. It usually gets wet.

2. With my Anne of Green Gables CD, my hubby's manly-yet-fatherly voice, and my sweet childrens laughter all in the background. It made for a wonderful memory of normal life.

Thank you Lord for your blessings on me!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back to our Family Fun Nights!

It's been easy for us to overlook our Family Fun Nights for the past couple of months. We enjoy them so much, but we've put it off too long. Time to get back into the swing of things! We love planning and preparing for them! We usually have them on Friday nights. It's a great way to end the schoolweek! We always have a special dessert that we usually vote on early in the week. We always have Coke. Then, we finish off the night with a special game, activity, or movie. And one more requirement....we always have fun! :o)

We started off with a game of Hide and Seek. Can you see Brenna and Callie?

Can you spot Elisabeth and Silas?

Patrick is a little competitive. I think that him and Josh were hiding the longest!

For our special dessert we tried a new recipe. It was a Hawaiin Pie that has Coconut and Chocolate. I won't give you the recipe. It tasted good, but the texture of the coconut layer was sort of, well, it was like snot!

Then, we finished our night with several rounds of Mexican Train. Patrick received this game for Christmas. It was hard to get into at first, but now I'm hooked! Should I say who won? Well, it was supposed to be me! I was whooping them all the whole game, but somehow Brenna snuck ahead at the very end.

I love our family fun nights and we're all looking forward to the next one (which is tonight. I'm a little behind on my posting!)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Heart of the Matter ~ Dwelling On Your Children!

How would you describe the state of your heart when you think of your children? What does your heart dwell on? When I think of Joshua Patrick, Elisabeth Kristine, Brenna Shay, Silas Boone, Callie Grace and our precious new baby on the way, my heart is overwhelmed. I usually think of the humongous, gigantic task ahead of me. What a responsibility! I think of their physical health, “Why doesn’t Callie ever eat breakfast? Is Joshua losing weight? Silas is too picky…I need to work on that” and on and on. Then, there is the spiritual. “Are they having faithful devotions? Or are they daydreaming? Do they have a heart for God?” Then, you throw homeschooling into the mix and I am overwhelmed! “Are they learning enough? Are they going to be done at a good time?” I could write for hours on what my heart is overwhelmed about with all of the physical and spiritual responsibilities of being a Momma!

Yes, all of this is necessary to think about, of course! But, as I’ve prayed this week for the Lord to show me how He’d have me to change what my heart dwells upon concerning my children, I realize my heart is usually worrying and overwhelmed. That’s not how the Lord would have my heart to be. When I’m overwhelmed and worrying, I’m not the Momma that my kiddos need me to be. Yes, there are many tasks at hand, but if we are not careful we dwell on all the problems that need to be fixed. The Lord doesn’t want me to dwell on all of these things and especially on things that are out of my control!

When was the last time that I just dwelled on the fact that God let me be a momma? Thank you Lord for my children! Look at that sweet face sitting across the breakfast table from you and don’t be overwhelmed by all the stuff you must teach them. Look at what they have learned and look at the great opportunity that God has given you. You are the one that gets to spend time with your children teaching them! Look at their sparkling eyes and be thankful for their health. Look at the strengths of their personalities.

There is someone in the Bible that also struggled with his heart being overwhelmed. It was David! There are some Psalms in particular that I have marked that are a place to go to when I feel overwhelmed. You should read them! I love to see the “real” side of great Christian heroes and I realize that they had similar struggles that I deal with today. In Psalm 61 verse 2, David tells of his heart being overwhelmed. He tells of his desire to abide (or dwell) with Christ. I love his words at the end of his Psalm! He gives the remedy to an overwhelmed heart. He says, “So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows.” How true! When we don’t dwell on how good God has been to us, especially concerning our children, we can’t perform the daily tasks at hand. In Psalm 143: 4 David says, “Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within” Wow! That feels like a description of my heart sometimes! Then, he asks God in verse 8, “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust.”

So how are some ways we can help our heart to dwell on God’s lovingkindess concerning our children? How can we help our hearts to not be overwhelmed in this important task of training up our children? I have a couple of ideas:

1. Give our children to the Lord. Oh how easy that is to write, but how hard it is for us to do! Do you ever think of Hannah and wonder how she could possibly give Samuel back to the Lord? But, that’s what God wants for us to do! Now, He doesn’t exactly want us to pack their bags and have them go live in the church with the preacher! But, God does want us to remember that our children are His. They are just on loan to us for a bit. Dwell on the fact that God loves them even more than we do, and their lives are in His hands.

2. Dwell on the good things about your children. Let your heart look for the good and wonderful things about each of your kiddos. Remember the verse you were going to put in a visible place for you to see and dwell on every day? What about making a list of 3 things about each of your children that you can praise the Lord for? Praise the Lord for their wonderful friendly personality, or for their diligence to read their Bible, or for them improving in a difficult subject at school. (This applies from babies to grown children as well.) Put this list in a visible place for you to see. Dwell on it and smile. Let your kiddos see it too! How encouraging it would be for them to see that their Momma sees their strong points! We are very quick to notice when things don’t get done like chores and homework. (Not that we should overlook or disregard these things.) But, we should dwell twice as much on the positive things than we do pointing out the negative things not getting done. 3. When your heart starts to get overwhelmed and dwells on the things your child is struggling with, grab your prayer journal and jot it down. Then, faithfully bring it to the Lord and watch Him work. So often we keep all of our worries inside. We’re forgetting to give it to the Lord. “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (I Peter 5:7) God doesn’t want us dwelling on all of our worries and problems, that’s His job. Ask Him for answers from His Word on what your role is in this situation. Is this a discipline matter? Are there some creative nutritional ideas you can put into practice concerning your picky-eater? Do you need to lighten your schedule and give your sweet child some extra time and attention? Am I expecting too much from them? Ask the Lord! He will give you the answers!

So, dear Mother, I encourage you to work on this with me. Get your heart in order and dwell on the things that are of “good report” concerning your children. Praise the name of the Lord for giving you these precious little ones!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Scrappy Dots

About a year and a half ago I saw a magazine article with a quilt hanging in the background. The quilt was very scrappy and simply had dots all over it. I loved it! I thought about it for a while, then decided I had to try and recreate it! So, my mind began coming up with ideas and looking through my scraps. I began cutting and dreaming of having that quilt. I knew that my first goal of 2012 would have to be to finish (or should I say start :o) this quilt! So, I introduce to you, Scrappy Dots!
I'm excited about how this quilt turned out. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it! It might be Callie's big girl quilt when she gets a new bed, but I'm not sure! I loved the process of cutting up my scraps and using many different colors!Even as I look at the pictures I sort of giggle. It is different!
I decided to try and do the most quilting on this quilt that I've ever done. I did diagonal lines about and inch apart all throughout. It did take a while, but I love the crinkly effect! I also chose to use no batting since we live in the tropics! I just used a light flannel for the back. It is so soft!
And here's my label. No quilt is done without one!
My first finish of 2012! I'm already on my next project. I cut all of it last night. But, this one has a deadline since it's a gift, so I need to get busy!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Sweet Man is 37!

Happy Birthday to my dearest! Patrick turned 37 on Saturday and we had a great day of celebrating. It's amazing how our goals for birthdays have sort of changed. Our kiddos love to plan lots of fun things to do. Now, for our birthdays, Patrick and I enjoy not planning much and just take the day relaxing and doing whatever. We woke up a little later than normal (which was wonderful!) and started the day with a Big Big Breakfast (Eggs, Toast, Hashbrowns, and Bacon) and then gifts. Josh, Beth, and Brenna had each saved some money to buy them a special gift. I love the looks of anticipation as they watch the excitement!

I have to say, I have the most wonderful and understanding husband. I asked him what would he like for his birthday. Cake? Pie? Another dessert? He said he wanted my Chocolate Pie. Unfortunately I couldn't find unsweetened chocolate anywhere on the island. Or wrapping paper. Or Beef Consomme for his French Onion Soup.....needless to say, I was in tears. My sweetie was so understanding and quickly had an alternative to the pie. The girls made their cake! Soooo delicious! And he was okay without the Soup, but praise the Lord the next day I found it! And he said he didn't have to have his gifts wrapped. That's where I thought it was simply unacceptable! Mom gave me some good backup ideas (wrap in a blanket and tie a ribbon around it) but, then, the Lord provided brown paper. I found it in the pantry. I have NO IDEA where it came from! I'm so thankful my husband had gifts to unwrap!
It was a great, relaxing day!

I love you Patrick!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Extra Celebration

My Silas has been blessed to have lots of celebrations for his birthday! Patrick's Aunt and Uncle, (Mariane and Georges) came over and brought Silas a Galette des Rois (A King Cake for Three Kings Day.) It was amazing! Inside the King cake there is a special prize hidden. Callie Grace was the lucky winner!

Then, on Sunday, Mama brought her gift to Silas. He was so excited to have another one to open!

He was very very excited when he saw all of the cowboy gear! How blessed my boy is!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Matter of the Heart - Dwelling on your husband!

Patrick and I have been married 17 years. Wow! I can’t believe it’s been that long! We have sadly noticed a trend in lives of married couples that have invested 15+ years to their marriage….the trend of separation and then divorce. I’m not talking about people that aren’t Christians. I’m talking about people that are actively serving in their local church, people that are soul-winners, and people that you think, “I want my marriage to be like theirs.” Then, all of a sudden, you hear that they have separated. Sadly, I’m noticing it’s usually the woman who has left. Why?... after 15+ years of your life devoted to this person. Why?

In the majority of the couples that we know personally or have heard of, the answer is usually the same. The wife can’t exactly mention one particular reason….they name 15 or 20. Things that 15 years ago, they never would have dreamed of leaving their soul-mate and best friend for. In many cases it is trivial or silly things that their husband has done (in some cases it can be serious). However, the wife holds it all in and doesn’t communicate how she’s feeling. Then there begins to be hurt feelings involved. She thinks, “How could he do this to me?” (We tend to get offended quite easily, don’t we?) “Doesn’t he know he’s let me down?” “Can’t he tell that I’m hurting?” She dwells and dwells and dwells on the faults of her husband and when she does this, it gets easier and easier to see more and more faults. It’s a snowball effect. She thinks, “Surely it is him that has changed!” The smallest things that used to only aggravate her are now things that she can’t possibly live with. These little things like: socks on the floor, football on Saturdays, and bodily functions, you name it, become big things. They are now ‘I-don’t-think-I-can- live-with-this’ offenses. Where did all this begin?...In the heart. A wife becomes hurt, holds it all in, then dwells on it. She chooses not to get over it and the rest is tragic.

I know it’s easy to dwell on the negative. When Patrick and I were first married, it was definitely an adjustment time. We had a wonderful first year together, but it was also trying as well. I didn’t have any brothers (only sisters) growing up and Patrick was pretty much raised as an only child, so to say it took some adjustment is an understatement. I remember being shocked at all the stuff he would leave out! And then he would have the nerve to point out my messiness, too! To look back now makes me laugh! I remember thinking one day that I was going to keep a list of all the stuff that he did wrong that week and then present it to him. I was going to show him! But after writing down the 2nd thing on my list, I was so convicted about doing this that I knew I couldn’t go through with it. I’m so thankful I didn’t.

As I’ve been thinking on this thought this week, I decided to do a little test. I talked with and emailed several ladies that have successful marriages. These are marriages that have lasted for 34 or more years. Some are almost double that amount! I asked these sweet ladies to simply tell me 3 things about their husband. I did not say, “Please tell me about all of his sweet wonderful attributes.” I simply asked for 3 things off of the top of their head that would be totally confidential. The responses I received were amazing. Some brought giggles (Like the lady who almost gave me too much information! She and her husband are still very romantic! ;O) and some were so touching they brought me to tears. I heard of hard-working husbands, of husbands that are devoted to their families and of husbands that stayed with their wife through relationship altering health problems. I heard of husbands that shared their hobbies with their wife and of husbands that were truly their best friends. Now, I have a question for you. Did these ladies just happen to marry perfect men? No, definitely not. These men are normal regular guys that have just as many faults as others. So, why didn’t the wife mention anything negative? I truly believe these ladies have chosen to dwell on the good qualities of their husbands. They have chosen to think on the things that are “of good report and virtue.” What an example to us!

A great verse to really “dwell” on is Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.

So, how can we do this with our husbands? I have three ideas that can help us.

1. Yesterday-When is the last time you thought about when you met your husband, the day you were married, your wedding night ;o) Now, this is not the time to go and dwell on all the faults and disappointments from your yesterdays. Think on the things that first attracted you to your man. Think of how he looked at you and the sweet things he said in your ear. Dwell on those thoughts for a bit.

2. Today-Secretly make a list. Watch your husband with the intent to fill up your paper with things about him that are good and right. Look at his appearance and dwell on how handsome your man is. Look at how he goes to work and provides for you and the children. Look for big things he does, as well as the teensy things that you normally don’t notice. Dwell on how good your husband is and when you notice a negative thing, just throw it out and don’t give it a moment’s thought.

3. Tomorrow-I don’t know about you, but to me older couples are some of the sweetest people to watch. I remember being at Disney World when I was a young teenager. My Pap-paw and Mam-maw were walking in front of all of us and we caught them holding hands. It was so sweet to see this sign of affection that they were enjoying one another’s company. That thought has been with me and it’s a goal I want in my life. Think of tomorrow and look forward to growing old with your man. Think ahead (or look now :o) at his graying head and smile wrinkles, and look forward to “getting” to be the lady who gets to experience it all.

We can have successful marriages that are pleasing to the Lord as well pleasing to us! It first starts in your heart. Dwell on all the great things about your husband!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Creamy Mac and Cheese

We tried a great recipe for Mac and Cheese the other night, so I just had to share!
I found it here on
1 1/2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni
5 tablespoons butter, divided
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
2 ounces processed cheese food (eg. Velveeta), cubed
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
Cook macaroni according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, melt 4 tablespoons butter over medium heat. Stir in flour, salt and pepper until smooth. Gradually add milk. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Reduce heat. Add the cheeses, stirring until cheese is melted. Drain macaroni.
Transfer macaroni to a greased 1-1/2-qt. baking dish. Pour cheese sauce over macaroni; mix well. Melt the remaining butter; add the bread crumbs. Sprinkle over top. Bake, uncovered, at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes or until heated through and topping is golden brown