
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Family Fun Night Restaurant Style

At the beginning of last week Patrick and I told the kids we had planned an exciting Family Fun Night for Friday, but it would be a surprise. (Usually we plan it together) This killed Brenna especially! She asked for so many hints! We decided we would surprise them with going out to a special restaurant in our living room. We've done this before and we all have such a great time! Patrick was their greeter and spoke to them in frenglish (english and french). He really had them giggling!

They actually had choices on their menus this time! But, we tried to steer them in the direction of what we were actually making! For instance, for the appetizer they could choose either 1. Caviar a la St. Barths-a fine shark caviar drizzled with raw eggs, served with crackers. or 2. Parmesian Garlic Mussels- a hearty portion of our finest French mussels sauteed in our rich butter and garlic sauce, served with our homemade Sauce de Tartar and Sauce de Cocktail. They chose the mussels! Notice how Brenna is sniffing the dish and it looks like Beth is making the Catholic sign over her chest! (She isn't, though!)

Then, after serving the bread and salad, we turned on an old Western for them. They love them and giggle (I find them quite silly, but I'm glad they enjoy something good to watch on the TV!) (So thankful for internet where you can find stuff like that for free to watch!)

For the main course they chose the Seared Garlic and Butter Beef Tips. It was soooo good! (I ate what Brenna requested I put in a Doggy Bag for her leftovers :o)

Then, they chose the Mint Ice Cream for dessert. Patrick topped each off with one of his Candies from Christmas. They were so sweet when they saw it and said, "But, Dad! These are your Christmas Candies!) (Soooo sweet of them!)
It was a great great great Family Fun Night. Our kids are amazing and really help us here in the ministry. They are ready at all times to do whatever we need and they have truly made our family a team! I'm thankful for a special night that Patrick and I could "serve" them for a change. What special kiddos the Lord has blessed me with!

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