
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy 4 Months Micah Reuben!

Our sweet baby Micah has turned 4 months old. It's gone by so quickly!  He's doing so much now and seems to change his looks a little everyday.  He loves to hold toys and has a good grip.  He puts most things straight to his mouth.  He still drools bunches and bunches, and still spits-up.  He's a happy little guy and loves to look at his brothers, sisters, and especially his Daddy.  He's outgrown his swing, he kept doing mini sit-ups in it and he was about to fall out!  He does do a funny little "swinging" thing on his own though.  When I hold him sitting in my lap he likes to rock back and forth like he's in a swing.  I told Patrick he's trying to tell us he wants a Rocking Chair for his Mommy! :o )  He kicks when he's happy and it's sooo adorable.  He still does great at going down for naps.  I love that! But, sleeping well at night is not his favorite past time as of late.  Hhhhmmm.

We sure do love you Micah Reuben!  I pray for you everyday that you'll accept Christ as your Savior as soon as you understand.  It's the most important decision you could ever make!  I pray you'll serve the Lord with all your heart.   He loves you so much and gives such joy and peace!


  1. Happy 4 month birthday, my sweet little guy!

  2. He's such a happy baby. Love his smile. Give him hugs from Grandma and Grandpa.

    Love you Micah
