
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Another new visitor

As I was doing the dishes, I noticed a large green thing pass outside of my window.  When I glanced over, I saw the biggest, greenest Iguana I have EVER seen. We have lots of lizards here.  We have the brown kind like the ones in Florida.  We have Geckos and we also have tealish medium sized ones that are all over our yard.  (they average about a foot long) But, this guy was quite a bit bigger than all of those.  Ewwww, I do  not like lizards! I screamed for Patrick to come look. And by then he was on our side porch.  lovely.

   Then, I decided  had to get a picture!
I inched open the door and he looked at me!  Double Ewww!  I snapped the picture and he leaped off the porch.  Who knows where he is now!  So, I had another new visitor and realized, I'm really not an animal person! :o)


  1. You are so brave to open the door. I agree double ewww! LOL!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  2. That is so cool! How often does that happen? I would venture to say not often. My kids would so love to have to have one of those.

  3. The missionaries that we know in Honduras eat them.
