
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our First Day of School

Yesterday we had a GREAT first day of school!  Our schedule really did well and everything flowed soooo nicely.  I love it when the school year starts off amazingly!  Here are a few pics from our day.

Here's Joshua, our 11th grader.  A junior?  How can this possibly be?  He loves to do school at his desk.  He has such nice lighting there where it overlooks the window.  It's also perfect for when I hang laundry...when I'm done I can always jump up and scare him! :o)

Elisabeth is our freshman.  She does her work (along with Brenna) at the kitchen table.  She's our organized student and always has perfectly sharpened pencils! She also started Algebra this year and is taking French.

 Brenna is in 8th grade.  She has 5 classes, plus I'm giving her Home Ec after she's done.  Notice her green topped pencil? 

 Silas and Callie did great for their table time.  They are so proud of their creations.

 Of course they proudly displayed them on the fridge.  Silas is really into drawing whales. He's doing really good!  Can you see it on the blue paper?  Callie decided to make whales, too, but she colored 10 instead.  I love their creations!

 Patrick was excited for their first day and made homemade chocolate chip cookies for the students and hand delivered them.  They were so good.  What a Dad!

 The above picture describes homeschooling perfectly!  Joshua is studying and working at his desk in his bedroom, with a watch to make sure he's setting a good pace, and with a chocolate chip cookie.  Chocolate and school are the perfect mix!

Homeschooling sure is great and we love it, but as you can see, it can wear us all out!


  1. You guys look like you are off to a great start!!! Tell Silas the whales look awesome. Give all your students a hug from me!

  2. Looks like a Great first day of school. They are growing up way to fast. Love Silas and Callies creations! Micah is getting so big. He is a thumb sucker isn't he... :-)
    Give him his pacifier back, so you can take it away from him when he gets older. haha
    missing all of you
