
Monday, August 20, 2012

More work on my Visa

I guess I was a little nieve about getting a Visa.  I always thought that when someone applied for a foreign Visa and were accepted, then that was it until time to renew.  Well, I was pretty wrong.  Ever since I have gotten my 1 year Visa there have been appointments here, appointments in St. Martin, paperwork galore and taxes to pay. Whew!  There's so much to learn when you're a  newbie missionary!

 Last month I received an obligatory invitation (isn't that an oximoron?) to meet with a social auditeur and to receive information about living and working in a French country.  So, tomorrow Joshua and I will be heading to St. Martin for that appointment.  I'm not sure if this is the "language exam" appointment or not....but that one will be coming soon, I'm sure!

Please pray for safe weather for us.  This is hurricane season and soon-to-be Isaac is out in the sea churning away.  Hopefully we won't feel any effects from it, but Josh is already planning on having a bag ready.  (just in case) 

Also pray for my baby Micah. (and his Momma)   I've never left him other than a quick run to the store, or a walk on the beach with my hubby.  Since we're not exactly sure what to expect at this appointment, or how long I will have to be in an office, it's just not feasible to bring him.  He's been exclusively nursed to far, so I don't want my little man to be hungry.  We've bought a bottle for him and some formula.  We've tried giving it to him yesterday with some water, but he actually does better with the beginner cup I bought for him in Florida.  We also started him on cereal this week, so he can have that,too.  Patrick is an amazing Dad and is ready to take care of our little one for the day.  I'm so thankful for that!  Just pray for this Momma who is fighting tears about having to leave her baby for the day. 

I'll post pictures when I get back of all of the exciting adventures that I'm sure Joshua and I will have in St. Martin!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you!!!
    Isn't the internet great for praying? Not to long ago we would not hear of prayer requests till they had already happened!
    Thanks to your St. Barths' Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Recipe we have not forgotten where you minister :). I confess that we started following several missionary families at the same time and I will often get the places mixed up :(. Thankfully, God know what I am talking about :).
