
Sunday, August 19, 2012

She's got a pony!

A ponytail, that is!  We finally were able to get my Callie Grace's hair into a ponytail!  yay! 
 My Callie has some cutesy-cute hair.  I love it!  It's light brown with sun-bleached blond highlights, and cute ringlet curls.  It's adorable....most of the time.  She definitely has her bad hair days and wakes up in the morning with a frizzy mess! :o)
 But, it's finally starting to grow long enough for a ponytail (with lots of barretts to help, of course!


  1. She is so cute!!! Looks like she enjoyed the photo shoot with Mom too. Love her hair. Give her some hugs and kisses from Grandma!

  2. Mrs. Kami, this made me laugh - my older daughter (now almost 23 and a new mommy herself) was about that age when I industriously made her first pony tail. I pulled and pulled to get the hair back enough, and tied it tightly with a twisty. She was cute, but looked distressed and said, "Daddy, my head hurts!" It was so tight she could barely move her lips even to say that much! Thanks for sharing your life even with non-missionary daddies!!

  3. She looks so cute and pleased with her new hair style :).
