
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy 5 Months Micah Reuben!

 My little Micah Roo turned 5 months old today.  5 Months!
 What a happy and content baby he is!  He loves his blanket/tummy time.  Although now he can roll both ways, so he rarely stays on his tummy! 
I love it when he gets up on his knees.  Such a cutie!  He's made a few "crawls" and is a pretty active little guy.  This morning he figured out how to get on his knees, put one foot flat on the ground and almost sit up.  He did this once and then fell completely backward and banged his head.  He had little sad tears, poor guy!
He's enjoying his rice cereal at dinner time and loves all of the attention he gets.  When he gets excited he squeals like a Pterodactyl.  Soo cute!  He's still pretty slobbery and spits up often.  Josh thinks he spits up on him everytime he holds him. :o)  He's starting to get little rolls on his legs and wrists and we've noticed he has huge hands like Silas.
  We love him bunches, that's for sure!

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