
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let's visit Kenya!

I have loved getting to "meet" other missionary wives through their blogs.  It is so encouraging to read about ladies that have answered God's call to  serve on the foreign mission field.  One of my favorites to read is the blog by Jessi Cormier called Joy Unspeakable.  When I first started reading Jessi's blog, she was taking language courses, just like us.  I immediately felt a connection.  As we've emailed each other back and forth, I knew I had found a friend.  When we were trying to decide which country and family to feature for our Missions Emphasis this past Sunday (we're picking a new missionary and country every week in September)  Patrick and I decided we had to pick the Cormiers.
 They have an amazing ministry to the deaf in Kenya.  I love seeing their pictures.  You can see a love for the people on their faces.  Joshua prepared a Power Point presentation on Kenya and the Cormiers.  As he was telling the facts of population, size, and all the ministry particulars, Elisabeth leaned over and whispered to me, "Mom, I can sing Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" in sign language.  I completely forgot!  Patrick was excited to see Beth sing and sign.  It gave a good "Close Up" view of how the Cormiers are communicating in Kenya.  Good job, Beth!

 Josh also created Placemats for our meal.  We had three of the dishes that Jessi features on her blog.  We LOVED them!  All of our family gobbled up this food and asked if I could make it again!  So, this will now be on our weekly rotation, for sure!
Jessi has been such an encouragement to me.  Recently, thieves broke into their house. She posted about it here.  It was a scary time for them, but they've shown how to face trials on the mission field with God's grace.


  1. Thank you so much, Kami. I do feel honored that you would post about our work and ministry here on your blog as well as tell your church people about us. What a blessing and encouragement it is for us to know people around the world (even in little St. Barth's!) are thinking of us and praying for us. We love you too and treasure your friendship! Maybe someday we'll actually get to meet in person!

    And such a blessing that Beth knows sign language!

  2. One of my favorites as well. Very sweet post. :)
