
Monday, September 3, 2012

New Tricks

Since there is an almost 16 year gap between my oldest son and my youngest, things have changed.  There are so many new baby gadgets and tricks out there that I wish I would have had with my older three.  One of them is my bath apron.  I'm not the neatest when it comes to giving my babies their baths.  I usually end up soaking wet.  I found a bath apron on pinterest and tried to recreate it.  I'm pretty excited with how it turned out!

I used on of our large white towels and then sewed a fun bug fabric binding around the edges.  I wear it while giving Micah a bath (and sometimes Silas and Callie) and usually stay pretty dry.  When he's done with bathtime, I just wrap him in it for his towel.  It's so cuddly and works perfect!  (These two pictures are taken less than 2 months apart.  Isn't it amazing how much babies change!)
Another new trick that I've fallen in love with is my Baby Sling.  A dear friend from my home church made me one before we left Florida.  At first I was skeptical.  I didn't really want to get in the habit of "wearing" my baby all day long.  But, since I wasn't bringing a stroller for Micah on the plane (the two we had were used for Silas and Callie) I thought it would work perfect for him. And it did! 

I was able to carry him "hands-free" all throughout the busy Fort Lauderdale and St. Martin airport.  He snuggled close and snoozed most of the time.  It worked amazing!

 When I got back to St. Barths I realized that his carseat/carrier wouldn't fit in the shopping cart at the grocery store.  Our carts are VERY small!  So, I decided to use the sling....another perfect match!

 Micah doesn't have an infant stroller, so this lets me shop with hands that can do shopping while still holding my baby.  He's now graduated to the "legs out" position.  He loves it!  

 So, I guess it is possible to teach old Mommas new tricks! :o)

1 comment:

  1. I got a sling/baby wrap at my shower. I had put it on my registry, but was contemplating returning it since I wasn't sure how it would work! After reading about your success, I think I'll give it a try! :) Thanks for the advice!
