
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tea Party for the Family!

We've decided to change things up a little for our September Family Fun Nights.  We put all of our names in a hat (except Silas, Callie and Micah) and we drew out two names. These two people were in charge of the first FFN.  Then, two more names for the 2nd week.  And the last name gets to plan the 3rd Friday all by themselves.  Elisabeth and I were the first two names and we had sooo much fun planning our night!  We decided to surprise everyone with our plans.  They had to hide in the bedroom while we prepared everything.  When they came out they were welcomed to this:
 A Tea Party!
 We prepared lots of fun "Tea type" food~Chicken Salad sandwiches on croissants,  PBJ roll-ups, cucumber sandwiches, pear sandwiches, and crackers with cheese spread.
 We also made Cranberry Scones with Devonshire Cream.  These were amazing!  Silas had been asking for me to make bread that has raisins in it.  These had dried cranberriers in them, so they satisfied his craving.  I will definitely be making these again!
We giggled about how our boys would respond to a tea party, but they loved it!  Silas loves to drink out of "real" cups, Josh actually liked all the food, and Patrick used his funny English voice for the meal.  It was a great time!
This Friday it's Patrick and Brenna's turn....What will they plan for us?

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea. I'm sure the children all enjoyed the different foods for the tea.
