
Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy 6 Months Micah Reuben!

 My sweet Micah Roo turned 6 months old. 
Wow!  How he's grown!
 He's doing so many new things this month.  He loves to eat his cereal and now joins our family in his highchair for meal times.  Just like my other babies, he loves the let's-drop-my-sippy-cup game.  I'm not falling for it...or at least trying not to.
 He's started crawling and moves all over the place very quickly.  He can even stand up in his crib. Yikes!  I'm  not ready for that!  He's also sitting up all on his own.  Patrick thinks he said Da- a couple of days ago, but I know for sure he said Ma- yesterday.  So, he's ready to talk and I'm praying he'll be saying "Mama" first!

 Look at those bright, happy eyes.  I sure do love my boy!


  1. such a cutie! how quickly time goes! happy weekend to you!

  2. love the eyes! Did you see my freebies today?

  3. He is soooo adorable!!!! Can't believe how much he has grown. Love that he still has his cute little dimple. Give him lots and lots of hugs from Grandma and Grandpa.

  4. He's looking much older all of a sudden. Losing that young baby look. He's so adorable. :)

  5. He is going to be longer than that blanket pretty soon! :-) Love that he is now holding his own sign too! LOL!

    What an adorable little 6-month old boy!
