
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One of those tough parenting decisions

Okay, just imagine my day for a's been slightly thrown off.  My sweet baby Micah has learned to pull himself to a standing position in his crib.  The problem?  He doesn't yet know how to get back down.  This has made for some late nights helping baby get to sleep and some short naps.  Whew!  I've been exhausted!  So, when my baby finally dozed off for naptime, I found him like this:
Do I move him and possibly wake him up?  Or do I let him stay sleeping with his legs all funny.  How uncomfortable!

The verdict?  I moved him...and he stayed asleep!
 Parenting can be tough! :o)


  1. Oh wow, poor little one. He is so cute and when they grow it can be so hard to keep up with them! I hope you are enjoying your week. Blessings. xx

  2. awww poor thing.....both of you. I know it is so hard when they start pulling up and don't know how to get back down....and then they fall and bump their head on the side of the crib. Growing up is hard on kids and their parents. BUT, this soon will pass. Get some rest and enjoy. luv ya,
    Love, MOM
