
Monday, April 1, 2013

Bits and Pieces

What a month it has been.  Last night I had some more tests run at the ER and Tuesday I will have an XRay.  The doctors are still stumped.  It's a strange feeling of mixed emotions....I don't want them to find anything wrong, yet I want them to figure out what is the problem and fix it!  Those poor doctors having to deal with my crazy emotions!

 But, life still goes on, even when Momma isn't feeling 100%.  What a great family that I have!  Here's a few happenings for the month.

 Silas and Callie have fallen in love with puzzles.  Elisabeth and Brenna have been great teachers.
 We've had a goat delivered to us.  It's very tame and we had fun with it....for the first couple of days.  Now it just eats all our flowers and everything else in the yard.  It leaves its tiny droppings everywhere!
 It even watches us through the window.  I think I'm done with the whole goat idea.

 Patrick, Josh, Elisabeth and Brenna are fabulous cooks.  Beth can make a great fried chicken!
 Then Pox (the ugly chicken that has chosen our yard to be the one to live in.  She doesn't live in the coop) showed up with 12 baby chicks.  Now that was fun!
 I love hearing their little chirping throughout the day and I'm learning much from this mother chicken.  But, I'll post more on that later.

Thank you, again, to all of those that have sent sweet notes and have been praying for me.  I'm so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Oh we are trying to start a chicken farm but it has been going slow. WE have two small pullets. I bet your kids are having a great time with those chicks.They are so cute.
