
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

XRays and Hikes

I thought about maybe posting some pictures of my XRay from yesterday.  After giggling about it, I decided no, that might be a little gross.  So, how about some pictures from a fun hike we took about a month ago?

 We decided to head to Toiny and go for a little hike.  We love to enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
 There were gorgeous views everywhere we looked.
 Silas so much wants to keep up with his big brother and sisters.  Up the mountain they went....
 And he was off, too!  With Callie thinking about following them.
 Do you notice sweet Brenna turning back to help them?  She's pretty amazing!

 This picture is for my Dad.  Do you see our car?
 We thought this rock looked like a hand coming out of the ground.

 At the top of the mountain there was a small injury to a small hand.  Thank God for big brothers that can carry you down.

 My kiddos are pretty competitive like their Father.  They love to race!
 I know my Mom is going to say that they should have let Silas win! :o)

 Then we decided to head to the beach to throw some rocks in the water.  I love the crystal-clear water here!

And, of course, you have to pick out the best rock to bring home for a treasure!

As for the XRay, it came out clear.  Yay!  But, tomorrow I head to St. Martin to have a CT Scan.  Brenna wanted to know what kind of dye do they use.  Food Coloring?  Ha!  I joked with her that I hope they let me pick my favorite color!  Do they make Iodine in Aqua?  :o)

  Please pray for me to be brave! :o)  And pray for us to get this figured out.

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