
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Callie Grace!

 Today my sweet Callie Grace is 3 years old!
 Time, once again, is flying way too fast for this Momma!
 Callie has brought so much joy and laughter to our home.  She loves to play with her brothers and sisters and is definitely our talkative child!
 Her favorite thing to do is color.  She loves to make circles, people, and the letter 'C'  She's very creative!
 She also loves to imitate. And she sings so cutely! When you're with Callie you will be sure to giggle lots!
I love you, my Callie!  You are a blessing to me and your Daddy and such a wonderful daughter!  I pray for you everyday that you will one day accept Christ as your Savior.  Thank you, Lord, for my girl!


  1. she is so beautiful! happy birthday, sweet Callie!

  2. Happy birthday dear Callie. You are such a cutie and a delight!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALLIE GRACE!!! I can't wait to see you next month and we will bring you your birthday present. Love your sweet smile. You look so much like your Mommy did when she was that age.
    Love and miss you,
    Don't grow up to fast,
    Love, Grandma
