
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Micah Reuben

 The day Micah and I flew out to Florida was his first birthday.  Happy Birthday to my Micah!

Wow!  How he has grown (or his quilt shrunk :o)  I have LOVED watching this little guy grow.  He has melted my heart, for sure!

 He's walking like a pro now!
 Right after I  bought my ticket, we realized we only had a few hours before I left.  I pulled out the suitcase and started packing.  My sweet Elisabeth ran into the kitchen and started baking.

She quickly whipped up the best butter cake with chocolate frosting.
 And Micah loved it, too!
 He really needed a bath after that!
 Time truly has flown and I'm so blessed to be the Momma to this little guy.  I pray everyday that he will accept Christ as his Savior as soon as he understands.  My prayer is that one day he will make the most important decision anyone could ever make, the decision of where he will spend eternity.   I want us to be together in heaven!
Happy Birthday, Micah!  I love you!