
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

An Update

So many people have been praying about my appointment on Monday.  Thank you!

Monday, Mom and I drove over to Weston to the Cleveland Clinic.  I saw the Rheumatologist and after reviewing my tests, everything came out normal. I have such mixed emotions when I receive test results.  I'm so happy that things are normal.  But, then I realize that we are no closer to finding the source of my problem.  Talk about roller coaster emotions!  It's strange, because even my inflammation levels are down.    That hasn't happened in a while.  But....I still don't feel well.  The pressure is just as strong as ever. And so much more in my neck/jaw area lately. Dr. Elzawawy said that my pain is coming from somewhere that isn't in his expertise and I needed to go back to my Primary Doctor at the Clinic, Dr. Holley.  So, I no longer have a rheumatologic problem.

When I saw Dr. Holley, she told me that she has been waking up at night thinking about me and brainstorming about where my pain could be coming from.  I told her that I have been praying specifically for her to have wisdom and for God to help her to help me.  And that many people have been praying.  It's so amazing to see God working.  I stand amazed every time!

She has a few new ideas of what could be going on.  She doesn't seem to be leaning towards nerve damage any longer.  I'm presenting with symptoms of having a vascular problem.  Even though the MRA looked carefully at my aorta and the blood vessels in my chest area, she wants for me to have an ultrasound of the carotid artery in  my neck.  She's wondering if maybe I have an abnormality there.  Possibly even from birth.  She also wants to check my thyroid.  Even though it is functioning fine, she wonders if there is a cyst or nodule that has been missed and it's sending nerve signals to different parts of my body.  The third thing she wants to do is check my esophagus and make sure it's healthy.  So, I will have an XRay where I have to swallow a liquid and they will watch it go down.  Pretty cool!  I hope it's yummy!  Maybe chocolate flavored? :o)  After these tests, I will see a Vascular Medicine Doctor.  Whew!  That's a lot to think about!

As they scheduled my appointments, I fought back tears.  I'm going to be missing my Joshua's birthday (17 years), my anniversary (19 years!) and Brenna's birthday (14 years).  I called Patrick and through tears told him what I will be missing.  I have an amazing husband.  He knows just what to say.  "We will get through this together"  "The Lord knows what is best"  "We will celebrate when you get back"  "We love you and want you to be well more than anything"  Oh, I love my family!

So, it's more waiting.  Next Monday I head back for my appointment.  Can I ask you to pray some more?  Eventually my posts won't be always requesting prayer for me and my family.  Eventually I will be posting about some quilt I've made, the great things happening while watching our church grow in St. Barths, or the cute things my kiddos are doing and saying.  But, for now, this is what the Lord has brought into our lives.  It's not all that fun and colorful.  But, He does know best and loves me like no other can.


  1. Thank you for your marvelous update and prayer request. Please don't ever feel badly about asking for prayer. I mean some of us will pray and others will ignore (some will pray without saying so) but whatever the case, please do ask!

    I can totally understand why you feel torn when you get a good result and the problem is not yet fixed. I'm so glad though to hear that your primary doctor is being given ideas at night as to how to try and resolve your problem. That is what we are praying for; the doctor(s) to have wisdom. Also praying for your husband and family. They will be happy when the Lord lets you return home to celebrate with them all. Hugs. xx

  2. Thank you for your update! We are continually praying for you and your family!

    May the Lord give the doctors guidance!

    In Christ,
    ~The Keller Girls~
    Proverbs 18:10

  3. James 5:16 says Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Many prayers have gone up and will continue to go up to God for you. And we know that Jesus is always on time, He is never late. The way this is all playing out is in His plan so that the Father will get the greatest glory with the end result. But don't ever think that help is not on the way. Hold fast, He is a faithful God. Help will come.

  4. I am still praying every day for you, and please don't think we don't want these posts. Please keep these updates coming. They sure help us know how to pray specifically for you.

  5. Don't you dare stop giving updates :)!!! It is our calling at this time to be praying for you dear Friend. We look forward to the time when we are rejoicing with you when you are back in the loving arms of your family. We will continue to pray for peace and comfort for you,wisdom for the doctors, and for your family who must be missing you awful! May you rest in knowing that this is what the Lord has for you right now and may you bring glory to His wonderful name.
    Love, hugs, and prayers dear Friend!
    Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him:
    (Psalms 37:7a)

  6. Praying for you! I hope they find answers soon. I'm glad you have such a good doctor! Sorry you are missing your family but I'm sure they want you to take care of these issues more than anything!

  7. Don't feel bad about asking for prayer, because I think that more than anything, THIS is what we're all opening your blog to hear anyway! So, please keep the news coming.

    Praing, my sister!!!

  8. I kind of know what you are going through, except it wasn't me that was sick it was my baby! We are in the Dominican Republic and we got here just before he turned one. Sometime in that next year he started having diarrhea. With four kids I didn't really notice that he was having it so much (yes, I felt like a horrible mom). He would always drink his bath water, the dogs water, whatever he could get his hands on so I would think "oh, he has a parasite again!". After about 2 years of this, we were at the doctor, for something else, and she noticed that his belly was swollen and said he had malabsorption. That is when I looked back and realized he had been having diarrhea for so long and we looked at his chart and he had stopped growing. We then started doing testing here and could not find the problem. His doctor then recommended that we take him to the States. The Lord worked it out that we were able to get into to see a specialist, without a referral within a few months. So me and my son flew back without my family. We were able to find the problem, fairly quickly. He was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I believe the Lord has healed him from it, he is doing great now. I will be praying that they find the problem quickly!!!
