
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Crazy Family

A tradition that I like to do with my children is take their picture around their birthday.  Like  here and here.  So, this morning, I called Beth and Brenna and told them to tell Josh (the birthday boy tomorrow) to be ready at 4:30 for picture taking time.  I knew Beth and Brenna would do a great job.  At about 5 Josh called and said they took a bunch, but only two turned out.  I was excited.  Email them to me!!! So, he did...and this is what he sent....

Yup, they need me!  Then, after making me worry, they emailed me the real pics.  And they are great!  I'll post them tomorrow.  My boy is so handsome.  and growing up.  sniff sniff


  1. That is sooo Josh. Can't believe he's going to be SEVENTEEN!!! Slow're growing up too fast!

  2. Such pranksters! So cute of them. Happy birthday to your birthday boy. xx
