
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Joshua! 17 Years!

 Today is my  Josh's 17th Birthday.  My baby is growing up!  I'm sure most of you mothers can relate, but I still feel like he's my baby.  He always will be.  When I look at him, I still see his cute eyes as he was a baby looking at me.  I see his chubby hands gripping my finger, and I can picture him swaddled up taking a nap in my arms.  Time flies is an understatement.
 Josh's birth do I say...painful!  He was born at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi.  I remember the excruciating pain one second, and the very next having extreme joy.  It's just not describable.  I'm so thankful for my son!
 Josh is growing up into a fine young man.  He loves the Lord and loves me and Patrick.  He has been an amazing help to us these past few months of craziness.  He's a blessing.  He preaches once a week for our family and his sermons are excellent.  He knows  that God has called  him to preach, but he's praying about exactly what the Lord would have him to do.  He's also praying about the big decisions he'll be making this upcoming year since he will be a 2014 graduate.  He says that Golden State in California and Hyles Anderson in Indiana are at the top of his list.
I sure do love you my Josh!  You make this Momma proud.  You'll always be my baby, but I'm so proud of the man you're becoming.


  1. Congratulations, proud Momma! :)

  2. What an amazing young man you have raised. You and your husband must be very proud indeed. It's such a joy when I see the children of good parents who turned out to be such a blessing. May God richly bless him and guide him as he seeks direction for his future education plans. Hugs. xx

  3. A very Happy Birthday to Joshua!!! Praying you will all be together very soon. I read your husbands post this morning on your family blog and it was sooooo encouraging ... I e-mailed it to us so that I would remember to share it with my husband :)when he got home. We just read it again together. Praying for the perfect job for Joshua, we know he will get it as he is honoring the Lord with his life :). What a blessing!!! Still laughing about the first pics. he sent you! Your Joshua and my Nick are a lot alike ;).
    I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
    (3 John 1:4)

  4. Happy Birthday, Joshua! He looks just like his dad!

  5. Golden State! Golden State! Golden State! We'd love to have Joshua come here! :-)

    Happy 17th Birthday, Josh!

  6. WOW!!! Josh I can't believe your 17 already. You're a wonderful Grandson. Love all you jokes too. A great Christian example not only to teenagers but to adults too. Love hearing you preach and can't wait for the next sermon. Love and miss you. Love, Grandma & Grandpa.
    p.s. stop bugging your sisters :-)
    plus....Jessi, he's much cuter than his Dad :-)
