
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

19 Years Ago

19 Years Ago changed my life forever, I became Mrs. Patrick Gimenez!  I  married my highschool sweetheart.  Each year our marriage grows sweeter and stronger.  We've made so many wonderful memories together.  I love it when we finish each others sentences and relax by just being in each others presence.  I love my husband!

This year for one of my memory verses, I've memorized Genesis 2:18.  But, I like to think of it this way...

And the LORD God said, "It is not good that Patrick should be alone, I will make Kami for him."
I like that thought.  Just to think, I've been created for him!

 I love you Patrick.  I miss you when I'm not with you, and cannot wait until we're together again!


  1. So sweet. I pray you get some answers and treatment so you can be together again soon. God bless. xx

  2. Happy Anniversary you kids! You and Bro. Patrick are an inspiration to me and I praise God for you both. Praying for healing to come and for God to continue to bless you as you serve Him together.
