
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Medical Update Time

Waiting, waiting...yes, that's what we are still doing.  But, in the process, we have found out what isn't wrong with me.  That's good news, right?

~I had a fun XRay where I swallowed a super thick barium solution.  It was so thick I almost had to use a spoon.  And it wasn't just one swallow...I think I did 10.  The good news is that they added Chocolate to it! Cool!  The result?  my esophagus is fine.

~I had an ultrasound of my thyroid.  The result? no growths or cysts on my thyroid.

~I had an ultrasound of my carotid artery.  The result?  All of my blood vessels are (as the doctor put it) beautiful!  Thanks!

While talking with the Vascular Medicine Doctor, she decided to consult with the Infectious Disease Doctor and order more blood work.  Since it is a holiday, I won't have any results back until Monday or Tuesday. :(

So, it's more waiting and more missing my family.  Things are going well back in St. Barths.  Patrick is doing a great job taking care of things.  But, I hear it in his voice...he's missing me too!


  1. We're continuing to lift all of you up before the Lord. We've also been passing the word on to many others to pray too. We give "Kami" updates when we talk to family and friends. :) Love & hugs, Shelly

  2. So glad to hear they are finding out what isn't wrong with you. Continuing in prayer with your family and others for all your needgs. Hugs. xx
