
Friday, June 7, 2013

Going Back Again

After much prayer and leading from the Lord, it's time that I go back to the States for more medical care. I've enjoyed my parents visit,  but it  was clear to us that I am not getting any better.  Each day seems a little worse and the pain is increasing and spreading.  The hardest times are when the fatigue sets in and I sleep and sleep.  Unfortunately, this happened some this week with my parents visiting.  They were so understanding and played and entertained the kiddos. They were so patient with me as I wasn't always the sweetest. (maybe even a tad bit grumpy) (did I really just admit to that? :o)   They are such wonderful grandparents and parents.

 My Rheumatologist here and my doctor in Florida have done all that they can and have recommended that I head back to the states to be seen by different doctors.  Next week I will have an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida with an Internal Medicine Doctor.  Within a day or two after that I will have tests done and possibly see other specialists.

 Please pray with us that the problem will be found.  I'm ready to be on the road to recovery!  Through everything God is so faithful and patient.  He takes good care of me and is good all the time!


  1. Hi Kami, I am writing you from stormy NYC. I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling worse but am very happy to know you will get back to Florida to see the specialists. I am sure your parents are just glad to be there to support you & don't worry whether you are grumpy. Being sick always makes me grumpy. I will continue to pray the doctors can help you soonest, and will pray for your husband and children also. Hugs. xx

  2. Sending hugs to you! Lots and lots of prayer for a speedy diagnosis. Praying also for perfect peace during this "storm". Praying for your family while you are separated. I must admit your husband did post some pretty funny posts while you were gone last time :). Hopefully they will eat a few more veggies this time:).
    I loved all the pictures from you parents visit! What sweet, precious memories made by all :).
    Micah looks so grown up!!!! Tell that little guy to sloooooow down!!!

  3. I'm still praying for you and your husband and children during this time. I also asked our church here in Nakuru to pray for you, and yesterday, at my ladies meeting in Karen, I asked my ladies to pray for you for this whole next month. We are praying that God will heal you, give the dr.s wisdom, and peace for you and your family. Love you!
