
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Safe Arrival

Thank you to everyone who prayed for our trip yesterday.  We left the house around 7:15am to catch our ferry to St. Martin.  Praise the Lord for answered prayers of a calm sea.  The waters were flat and beautiful.  Perfect day for the ferry trip!
 2 minutes after leaving the dock, I decided to take one last peek of my St. Barths.  I turned around, and there stood my husband on the dock, that came for one last peek of his wife.  Waving to him made me feel so loved.  I miss him already!
 Micah took his morning nap on the ferry.  It was so relaxing for us both.
 After taking the taxi from the ferry to the airport in St. Martin, we had quite a wait.  My parents helped me keep Micah busy.  He walked the entire place!  And even made a new friend.
My little guy did pretty good on the plane.  He slept for most of the flight.  After we landed we hit the road for our drive to Fort Myers.  We arrived in my parent's driveway at 10pm.  Whew!  What a day!

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