
Friday, July 26, 2013

Jumping out of one fire into another...

Thank you for your prayers.  We feel so loved...  

Our update is with mixed emotions.  We praise the Lord that Kami does not have any blood clots (that can be found) and the doctor has ruled out Myeloma.  However, 4-6 mm nodules were found in her lungs on this week's CTA scan.  The doctor is very concerned that these are now present. This is the reason for Kami's dry cough, shortness of breath, and extreme fatigue.

He told Kami that these nodules were not noticed on her last CTA scan done a few weeks ago. With this finding and the elevated blood markers that show cancer, his thoughts are now leaning towards lung cancer.  Do you ever feel like you are jumping out of 1 fire and into another? 

He also mentioned to Kami that these could be a result of a yeast infection in her lungs (our hope). So the next step is reviewing Kami's last CTA scan to see if these nodules are indeed "new" and to talk about a biopsy.  She has an appointment next Thursday at the Mayo Clinic.  The 6 of us here on the mission field are going to try to make a return trip to the States to be with Momma & wife.  Please pray along with us for finances, safety, wisdom and good weather.


  1. Praying for your finances, safety, wisdom, good weather and your hope (which is my hope too). God bless all of you.

  2. I have been praying for your family. As I read her symptoms, it reminds me of my own illness. A year ago May-July 2012, I was misdiagnosed for about six weeks with first pneumonia, then fungal lung infection. I couldn't lay down to sleep - I couldn't breathe. Extreme fatigue. I had yeast in my lungs - caused by 5 rounds of antibiotics. At one point, they drained fluid off my lungs with needles in my back. I finally self-admitted myself to Duluth MN hospital (about 60 miles north of us) & overnight, they figured out I had congestive heart failure with 20% heart function. A lot of people were praying for me & I am glad to be feeling much improved. Last January I had a sonogram of my heart which showed 45-50% heart function. Sometimes, you just have to be your own medical advocate. I'm praying for wisdom for the doctors & that you feel better soon.

  3. We're keeping y'all in prayer! Wel'll be sure to bring it up at church tomorrow too. (Berean Baptist in Ellenwood, GA)

  4. Praying for you!!

    Love in Christ,

  5. Oh, Kami! The Sloan family is divided too... some of us in California and the rest in Ukraine. But we are all praying for you and your family from both ends of the world!

  6. That is what we will pray for too!
