
Saturday, August 3, 2013

More Waiting

Patrick and I arrived back in Fort Myers a couple of hours ago.  It was hard leaving my kiddos hours after they arrived in the states, so it is very good for us all to be back together again.  (Mayo Clinic is about 6 hours from Fort Myers where my parents live) (Grandparents took turns taking care of my 6.  They had so much fun!)  I'm looking forward to a few days of being together as a family.

As usual, we are once again in the waiting stage.  My latest bloodwork came back with some odd things in it again.  Surprising, huh?  :o)  So, more tests were ordered.  Even a fun sputum test.  Oh boy!  That was interesting!  And now we're waiting on these tests which should take 7-10 days.  Patience, Kami,  patience! I have an appointment with the Infectious Disease Specialist and another appointment with my Internal Medicine Doctor on August 14th.

So, for now, we're just being together as a family.  Resting.  Enjoying a few last weeks of summer......  Together.


  1. Praying for you! So glad that you can be with your family!

  2. (I thought I left a comment earlier but I guess I didn't!)

    Just want to say I'm happy you are back with your family. Enjoy your rest and relaxation. I'm remembering you in prayer. Hugs and blessings. xx
