
Friday, October 18, 2013

Medical Furlough....

...that's the official term for what's happening with us.  Following the advice of our Pastor and Mission Board,  we knew the Lord was leading us for a time back in the states for medical care. There was a bit of confusion on all of us. We've been preparing our lives for over 7 years to live in the West Indies, start a church and reach these precious people to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! 
 At the beginning we almost felt guilty to enjoy the things God is blessing us with during this journey in our lives.  But, then Patrick and I realized that this is God's will for our lives.  Unexpected, but totally the working of God.  We've always taught our children that in the center of God's will is the greatest blessings and most abundant joy through Christ.  Now, it's time for us to live that out for them!  We determined that we are going to enjoy this journey God has brought us on.   God is so good to us, it only makes sense that we should focus on His blessings.

It was a blessing to be able to stay in our Church's Prophet's Chamber.  When a missionary goes on Medical Furlough, where do they live?  What do they drive?  What are they going to wear?  Usually only  just enough clothes are brought back in a suitcase so there can be room to fit schooling.  God has provided for so many things!  My parents are letting us use their van.  Thanks Mom and Dad!  My sister has saved her coats from her kids, so now Silas and Callie have coats for when it turns a little (yes just a little) bit chilly here in Florida.  And my Mam-maw has been shopping for Micah to have a coat, too.

 God keeps providing for us and reminding us that He loves us and has a plan for our family.  When our pastor mentioned that we could live in the house that the church bought, we were thrilled!  It's 4 bedrooms with a pool!  What are we going to do with all this space!  Patrick and Josh have been working and painting and they are loving it!
 I wish I had taken before-before pictures.  There was a yellow on the walls.  It wasn't was just a lot.  We love the new color we picked for the walls.  It's a light greige and makes it feel so clean and airy in the house!
 With a little TLC this is going to be a great Missions House!  Thank you Lord for providing!
As for news from the medical front...I'm still in pain.  I've had a better couple of weeks.  I told Patrick that even though the pain is there and my joints ache,  God is giving me grace to go through each day.  He's making it more tolerable.  We're still waiting for our tests to be finalized, then Mayo will refer me to an Infectious Disease doctor here in Fort Myers.  My doctor told me that Mayo will not handle my long term care of treating my TB, only that they will recommend the best path of treatment for me to my doctor.  We are actually praying for a positive from the tests that will be finalized next week.  If they are positive, then we've found the reason for my pain.  Would you pray with us?  


  1. Continuing in prayer. Love you all.......

  2. Yes, I will pray with you and others. God is really providing for your family through it all. It is a wonderful story of his provision. Love and hugs. xx

  3. Looks like your men are doing a great job on the house! It is so neat how the Lord provided the house for you. I think of you (and pray for you) all the time. So sorry I have not commented in awhile :(. Praying for you while your hubby and Josh are away too. Keep the updates coming!
