
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Latest on my Health

 It's been a year since my symptoms first started. I've seen two more new doctors this week and I'm faithful for the Lord making His path clear of where I should go and who I should see.  So, here's some of the latest:

Mayo Clinic referred me to an Infectious Disease Doctor to be treated for my latent TB.  My latest tests came out negative for an active infection.  I saw the new doctor here in Fort Myers yesterday.  He was really surprised that the Mayo Clinic is not going to see me for a follow-up.  He knows I'm still and pain and is actively trying to find out the cause.  He wants to review my CT scans and see if the nodules in my lungs give more of an indication of what is going on.  He said they are there for a reason.  He also wants to review my records and see if I am in need of some more antibiotics.

 He also prescribed me the antibiotics to treat the latent TB infection.  I will be taking 2 pills a day for the next 9 months.  He warned me of some of the side effects (this is the reason for the 2nd prescription, to fight the side effects) and wants me to have more blood work in 2 weeks to check on things.  I will see this doctor every 1-2 months during the treatment.

He also referred me to see a Rheumatologist (this will be my 4th!)  When I checked out of the office, the nurse said I was one lucky girl because there had just been a cancellation and I can have the Rheumatology consult the next day!  That's not luck, that's my God!

So, today I saw the Rheumatologist.  He had lots to say.  He noticed the ligaments in my hands are loose.  He said that can cause pain (my hand pain has increased much in the past 4 weeks)  He also said he wants to track my SED rate and see if anymore inflammation creeps back into my blood.  He said that in unknown pain your body is on a vicious cycle  You feel pain, then fatigue, then you have a couple of good days and decide to do everything you can to make up for the past 2 weeks, then your pain starts again, then the fatigue.....It's a cycle that's hard to break.  He said if he can help stop the pain (especially in the night), help me to get some good rest, then we can try and break the cycle.  He said it's so important to pace myself on a daily basis.  Do a little here, a little there, and never too much when I feel well.  He wants me to start walking a small distance on a daily basis.  Then, watch how I feel the next couple of days.  If I feel worse, I've done too much.  I have a few more medications to take and see if they can help.  Whew!  Lots to think about!  This doctor also wants to see me on a monthly basis and try to figure out what is going on.

I am so thankful for the Lord placing in my path 2 doctors that are on the hunt to help me.  It could be these 2 men that the Lord has chosen to use in my life.  I am so thankful!  So, we have a plan!


  1. Praying for you. Thankful that God has directed you to some good doctors. You have had such a sweet spirit through it all. What a testimony and encouragement it has been to me! Again, praying for your sweet family.

  2. That's wonderful news. It is so important to have people willing to work with you and give you hope that as they work away on things they might uncover the causes and the cures for whatever ails you. God is good to provide these doctors. I pray he continues to lead and guide you and provide those that will help along the way. Big hugs. xx

  3. We and our church are still faithfully praying for you.
