
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blessing of the Bus Ministry

As we shared blessings around our Thanksgiving Table, several of my kiddos mentioned they were so thankful to be able to work in the Bus Ministry while at our home church.

The Bus Ministry has been a part of our lives for many years.  When Josh was 1 and a half we started our route in Carthage.  The girls joke around that they were riding the bus before they were even born! :o)  One Sunday, when Josh was about 5, our Preacher asked for all the bus kids to come to the front.  Josh went up.  Someone tried to tell him, "No, you need to go back to your seat."  Josh looked at him funny and said, "But I ride the bus every Sunday!"  Then, Patrick took the position in Hattiesburg, Mississippi to be the Bus Director and our love for the bus ministry grew as we watched souls saved, families touched, and lasting results.

 So when we realized we would be here in Florida for a bit, Josh was excited to be able to work in the bus ministry.  Beth and Brenna caught that excitement and started riding, too.  Then, Silas and Callie wanted to ride and join the fun.
 They get up early on Sundays and walk to the church at 8:05.  Josh can be a stickler for time!  He's always ready to go!
 Josh has been working on the bus program and the girls have been taking turns giving a Bible Story.
 I'm so thankful for the Hortons letting them jump right in and help out.  The Hortons are great Bus Captains!  Yesterday Josh and the girls got together with some of their friends and visited a new area that they are hoping to start picking up kids at.  Many teens from church are now riding the bus and wanting to work the bus ministry.  It's catching!  And so exciting!
It is a little strange for this Momma to only have one baby for the rest of the morning.  It makes getting ready for church pretty easy!
So thankful for a place for my kids to serve!

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