
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Trimmed in Blue

If you know me very well, you know I'm not a matchy-matchy Christmas Tree type person.  Oh yes, they are beautiful!  But, I always enjoyed having my tree filled with popsicle stick Sunday School ornaments m ade by my kiddos. Well, for this year we decided since our ornaments are across the sea, we would let Josh pick out some new ornaments for us.  I love his choices!  
He chose to go all silver and blue with a blue ribbon as our garland.

Of course he chose white lights because that's mine and his favorite.  If it were up to Patrick and Beth it would be all colored lights.  :o)
Decorating the tree is something our family loves to do.  I have so many memories of snapping photos of my kiddos hanging their ormanments.

Micah is still pretty unsure as to why we are putting these balls on the tree.  We've found a few of them without hooks around the house.  He loves to play ball!
Christmas music playing.  Thoughtful decisions to make sure everything is just right.
Teaching little ones how to make their ornaments stay.
And the final touch, a Christmas star on top.  Silver, of course!
I may not be a matchy-matchy tree person, but I love this tree!!!  I love the blue and silver and how everything was arranged.  Great job family!


  1. It's a beautiful, sophisticated tree. I too love to keep my colour scheme to 2-3 predominant colours. I do love blue and silver. My own tree is red, gold and silver with a few doves in mother of pearl. I like clear lights too! So nice you shared your tree with us and gave the honour of choosing colours to your eldest in his last year at home for Christmas. Merry Christmas!

  2. I love it. Blue and silver is my favorite as well. Obvious as that is what we have this year too!
