
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

An Update on My Health

Several of you have asked how I have been feeling lately.  I appreciate the concern and prayers so much.  That is such a blessing to me!

I felt like my blog was turning into a medical journal, so I decided to call it quits for a bit on the health statuses.  Other than Latent TB, a diagnosis for my pain has still not yet been made.  I'm so thankful for the doctors here in Fort Myers that are still actively seeking for what is the problem.

 I have my good days and bad days.  And the pain and pressure in my chest have never left.  I have been referred to a hand surgeon that will be removing 3 "masses" that have been found.  One is on my finger/knuckle and the other two are on my arm.  They both appeared last June.  The doctor says that I am too young to be producing unknown masses.  He would like to remove them all and them do I biopsy on them.  He will also be looking to see if there are any tropical-type diseases that are now manifesting in the form of tumors.  The surgery will be on Thursday and I would be so thankful if you would pray for me!

About a month ago, my primary doctor ordered a CT scan for my chest.  Nothing was found on my chest, but they did discover a spot on my pancreas.  The doctor says we need to investigate this further, so I will be having 3 MRIs.  Two of them will be Thursday morning (it will be a busy day, that's for sure!) and I'm waiting on a call to schedule the last one.  Please pray I will be calm, laying flat makes the pressure increase.  And there's always the scary thought of being in the MRI tunnel!

Through everything my family, my church and my precious Savior have been wonderful to me.  God keeps showering me with His blessings and letting me know that He is already in my tomorrow.  I heard a preacher say, "God is always up to something good in my life!"  And how true it is!


  1. Praying for you too sweet Kami. You are so loved. God bless. xoxo

  2. I do believe that God IS up to something good in your life! And I love your sweet spirit about it all. You are an amazing lady, Kami Gimenez, and I have admired you for a LONG time!!!

  3. Thank you for the update. I am reading this just now on Thursday and praying for you. Love you lots!
