
Friday, January 24, 2014

Recovering...A Post from Patrick

We were able to accomplish several things yesterday.  Most importantly, Kami finished 2 of her 3 needed MRI's.  The third one will be next week.  These were ordered to help diagnose a "spot" on Kami's pancreas and hopefully the results will be ready by end of next week.

Yesterday afternoon, we arrived at the hand specialist for surgery at 3:15 p.m.  The doctor had us wait so that Kami would be his last patient.  This would allow him to concentrate on Kami and not "rush" through the surgery.  He seemed concerned with the "mass" growing in her finger.

I was able to be present in the room and to observe the surgery first hand.  The doctor quickly removed the two tumors in her forearm and emphatically stated that these were NOT cancer.  We praise the Lord for this!  He quickly stitched up the two spots and moved on to Kami's finger.  When he sliced open her finger, he seemed a bit alarmed at the quantity of the "mass" he had to remove from her knuckle.  In his words, "This isn't supposed to be here and there is a lot of it."  It seemed that the cut in her finger got bigger and bigger and he cut-away!  

He isn't sure what this "mass" is and is having it sent to a pathologist for testing.  The results will be ready in 2 weeks.  (Throughout all of these trials, we seem to constantly be waiting and waiting for results...isn't there something about tribulation working patience?)

Thank you all for praying.  Kami has been in a lot of pain and had a rough night last night.  Hopefully she will feel better after a good day's rest!


  1. Thanks for posting this Patrick, a lot of people have been asking about her. And so many are praying for her. Praise God!

  2. Praising God for some answers. Praying for others. I hope Kami feels better tomorrow.

  3. My hubby and I continue to pray...
