
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Family News

Some have asked for an update on my medical status.  Once again I am so blessed to have others praying for me.  I cannot even begin to express my gratitude.  Blessed beyond words.

I've had two doctors appointments this week.  The first was with my hand doctor.  I had been healing very well and have had a lot of movement in my finger, but last week it started swelling and turning a strange color. to the doctor again.  Dr. Kim and his staff are wonderful and so friendly.  He said that he wondered if the swelling would come eventually because of the extent of messing with my joint that he had to do.  He said that we really need to avoid starting shots for the swelling if possible, so for the next couple of months he wants me to keep it wrapped and see if that will help.  He is still trying to get a hold of the Pathologist.  He would like to speak with him personally to double check the diagnosis of a Giant Cell Tumor.  Dr. Kim said he's just not so sure that's what it really was.  So, we're still waiting to hear from the Pathologist.  There are also a couple of cultures that we are waiting to come back that should take another 2 weeks.  That means more waiting.

I also had an appointment with my Infectious Disease Doctor this morning.  Everything is going along great with my TB meds.  I had more blood work this morning to make sure the antibiotics aren't affecting my liver.  We should have results of those in the morning.  Dr. Lutarewych  is still on the hunt for what is causing my pain.  Pray for the Great Physician to give him wisdom!  I'm thankful for a doctor willing to keep looking!  He said that we've looked at just about every structure in my body.  But, the tests I have had done look only at the structure and not the function.  So, we will keep looking.  He is referring me to see a Sleep Disorder Doctor and also a Neurologist.  Those are two specialist that I have never seen.  So, we will see!!  Dr. L was very compassionate this morning and I'm so thankful.

This week has been a little rougher for me.  The pressure is still there and the fatigue has set in, too.  There are so many things I would like to be able to do, but for now I am a little limited.  My family has been amazing!  Patrick and the kids help so much.  My parents and Mother in Law are ready to help at a seconds notice.  In fact Patrick called my Dad a couple of days ago and said that I was not feeling well, and asked if they would like to have the 3 little ones over for the evening.  Within 15 minutes my Dad was at our doorstep to get Silas, Callie and Micah.  They were just as excited as he was to have time together!

We have been staying busy with ministries in our home church.  They have been such a blessing to us and have loved on us through this whole process.  A sweet, Godly lady told me this week that as she was praying for me and begging God for a diagnosis, she was reminded to stop and just thank God for what He is doing in my life.  That was such a good reminder for me.  Sometimes that is hard to do. But, when I start thanking God for all He's done, I start realizing how His mighty hand is working in my life.  He truly does love me!  Things might not be going on my time table.  But, His timing is perfect.

Romans 8:28   "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

It's for my good and for His glory!


  1. Love you, Kami, and our church is still praying for you every week . . . and so are we.
