
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Keep Trusting...with my kiddos, too!

It was about 11 months ago I posted about "Trust."  It's not a lesson that I have learned overnight, and to be honest, it's one that I need to work on everyday.  It's easy to say and even tell someone else, "Just trust the Lord!" The Lord is continually teaching me to trust Him.  He has proved himself over and over that He is in control of my life and loves me so much more than I can imagine.

 You know, it's sort of strange...I learned Proverbs 3:5,6 when I was a kid in Awanas.  It was one of those verses that seemed to be in every book to complete. So, I memorized it in my head.  I'm finding that the Lord is now letting me memorize it in my heart.  Each word becomes precious and I feel like it's meant for me.  It has helped me when I must put these verses into practice.

This past month has been another time of putting those verses at work.  My Joshua had a checkup with the doctor.   They noticed his weight was down and wanted to do some blood work.  The doctor called me the next day to let me know his Bilirubin is high and we need to do some further testing.  We went back to the doctor this past week for further blood work and discussing what to do.  If his bilirubin is still high, but all other tests come back normal, then he most likely has Gilbert's Syndrome.  The doctor said this is a non destructive process and it's just how Josh is.  He will have a higher than normal bilirubin for the rest of his life that will most likely worsen when he is sick.  But it won't effect his liver and he will be fine.  If any of the other tests do come back abnormal, then Josh will need to see a doctor specializing in the liver.  He is concerned about Josh's weight because lack of appetite can go hand in hand with liver disease.  But, when Josh got on the scale, the doctor was thrilled that in 3 weeks his weight had gone up 7 pounds!  Please be praying for my boy. We should hear results on Monday.'s definitely one of those lessons that when you're practicing complete trust in the Lord, you have such peace.  God is so good to us!


  1. I'm so glad to learn that Josh had gained some weight back. I'm praying for the both of you and your health issues. I'm praying for your family too. This is a lot to deal with but you are so blessed to have such a loving family all around you and a Heavenly Father up above (and those of us in blog land who care). Hugs. xx

  2. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. That has been one of my favorite verses my entire life, yet I feel so often like I forget it so easily. It is the trials that truly teach us to trust. Thank you, my friend, for sharing your life with us and what a privilege it is to pray for you and your family. I'm so glad Josh's weight is up. Timothy and Elijah and I have been praying specifically for him this past week. You are all on my heart so often and what a comfort to know that the God in whom we trust will never let you out form under His ever-loving care. Psalms 121:3, Psalms 103:13-14', I Peter 5:7

  3. Praying for you and Josh, and for God to continue to give you His peace. I love that verse too, but I know that it takes on new and sweet meaning when you are going through this trying of your faith.
