
Monday, March 10, 2014

Answered prayer for my Josh

When Josh's doctor saw that his bilirubin was high, the possibilities were a little troubling.  The doctor told me the best thing would be for him to have Gilbert's Syndrome.  All other reasons for high bilirubin are pretty alarming.

Patrick and I were trying to be patient today waiting for the call back from the doctor.  I was so glad when he called and said, "Yes, Joshua does have Gilbert's Syndrome!"  So, what does his mean?
~Josh will always have a higher bilirubin (Hello built in tan!)  It's just how his body is.
~When he gets sick we might notice a slight change in his skin coloring.
~He might have bouts of fatigue and lack of appetite.
~He will need to let future doctors know of this because he won't be able to take all medications.
~This DOES NOT harm his liver.  Praise the Lord!!

So thankful for answered prayer!  Thank you to all who prayed through with us.  God is so good!


  1. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!!! We've been praying for Josh and will continue to. My hubby asked me this evening if I'd heard Josh's results yet. I'm so excited to be able to share this good news with him.

  2. Wow! With all of the medical concerns you have had recently, I was definitely worried for Josh. Praise God that he is okay!!!
