
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Birthday to my Sweetie!

 Today my sweet man turns 40.  Happy Birthday Patrick!

 God has blessed me so much in letting me be the help meet to Patrick.  The past month has been non-stop drilling, hammering, cutting, painting.....he has worked and worked!  And all for our family.  Thank you sweetie!

I am thankful to have married a man with a heart for the Lord.  He has a desire to preach and share the gospel with the people He has called us to in High Springs.  It's so exciting hearing his vision for this area.  It's an exciting life serving God!

 Happy Birthday to my High School Sweetheart, the amazing father of our awesome kiddos, and my best friend.  You may be turning 40, but don't worry, I'm right behind you!  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, how sweet. You two really make an awesome couple and better still, you both have a heart of service. God bless your beloved on this his birthday. He has certainly had broad shoulders to lead and support his family through so much this past year. It is exciting to hear about the visions he has for the area you will now serve it. xx
