
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

He Still Speaks

Many of you have asked about my Joshua and when he has to return to college.  I thought I could give you an update on what is happening in my boy's life.

About October we received a serious call from Josh.  He asked us to pray about something that he "just couldn't get away from."  He felt the Holy Spirit leading him to not return to Golden State Baptist College after Christmas break and to stay in High Springs with us and work along with us in planting a new church.

 Honestly, this idea caught us by surprise.  Josh has looked forward to college and specifically Golden State for so long.  He was LOVING college life!  We talked with him a bunch to make sure he wasn't just homesick, or had any other problems.  His clear response was 'No'. He loved dorm life and made a lot of great friends.  He loved his classes and was excelling in them all.  He loved North Valley Baptist Church, Pastor Trieber and the ministries he was working in.  He loved chapel and hearing Godly men challenge him to be closer to Christ. He plain out loved college!  This is why it was hard for us to hear.

 We told him the negatives of coming back to Florida to stay, but told him of course we would pray.  We also advised him to pray and fast and don't make any decisions yet.  Pray and fast he did.  Not easy on a college boy!  A few weeks later he called us back and said, "I just know without a doubt I need to come back to stay.  This is what God is calling me to do."  

Has it been an easy decision?  Honestly, no it hasn't.  But, we've taught our kids, and learned ourselves, the importance of God's will.  He does have a specific plan for your life!  It may not always be the way we thought it would be.  Quite often it turns out different than we expected.  But, God loves us so much that He will reveal to us what He wants us to do.  There is protection and joy in the midst of God's will.  It's the best place to be!

Several times around the house I have heard Josh singing one of his new favorite songs.  It worked on his heart and helped him through making a tough decision.  Part of it says, "He still speaks.  I know His voice, sweeter sound never heard by mortal ears;  And to think that God by His own choice still speaks to me, it makes me rejoice." We are so thankful for Josh listening to the Holy Spirit's leading!

So what's next?  Josh is going to be taking correspondence courses to continue his education and get his degree in Pastoral Theology.  Patrick has given Josh many ministries that he will be working in for the new church plant.  He will be the Song Leader, preach in Junior Church and teach the Teen Sunday School Class.  He's already developing lessons and thinking about activities.  He's going to be busy!

 I'm thankful for the peace that comes when following the Lord.  He still speaks!


  1. It's good that you teach your children to listen to God speaking to them. May Josh be richly blessed for his obedience. God bless

  2. My husband did a similar thing several years before I met him. He left PCC which he loved and was studying prelaw with the intent of fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer to go back home and help his parents in their ministry. He later surrendered to full time ministry and returned to Crown College to complete his degree. We met a few years after that. God's timing was perfect and had he not made the decision to leave PCC, we probably never would have met. What a blessing to hear of your Josh's heart for God and his desire to be in the center of his will! I know the Lord will bless that! :)

  3. My husband did a similar thing several years before I met him. He left PCC which he loved and was studying prelaw with the intent of fulfilling a lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer to go back home and help his parents in their ministry. He later surrendered to full time ministry and returned to Crown College to complete his degree. We met a few years after that. God's timing was perfect and had he not made the decision to leave PCC, we probably never would have met. What a blessing to hear of your Josh's heart for God and his desire to be in the center of his will! I know the Lord will bless that! :)
