
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Not every little girl....

 has the chance to color with her Great Grandmother, better know to everyone as Mam-maw.

 My Callie has fallen completely in love with her Mam-maw.  I loved watching the two of them together.  Callie brought out her crayons and asked Mam-maw to color.  I was so happy (and a little teary eyed) to be able to watch another sweet moment between the two of them.

When I was little Mam-maw would always sing "Amazing Grace" to me.  I loved it.  She has started singing it to Callie as well.  We were at our town's festival last week and they played "Amazing Grace."  Callie said, "Do you hear that?  They are playing Mam-maw's song!"  Now, Callie's song that I sing to her at bedtime has changed to "Amazing Grace."  She said it helps her to think of her Mam-maw and she sure does love her!

So thankful my girl has been able to spend time with one of the sweetest women anyone has ever met: My Mam-maw.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Another round of sweet visitors

We were so excited when my Mom called and said they were able to come by for a super duper quick visit.  I was so glad!

 She brought my sweet Mam-maw.  She was heading back to Michigan in a couple of days, so I was so glad I was able to spend a little more time with her before she goes back north.

 Of course, my Mom herself :o)

 She also brought my Mother-in-Law, Denise!  Also know as Grammy :o) (Nice photo bomb Mom!)

 And she brought Brenna's friend Catie!  Catie waited in the car while we hugged everyone when they got out.  Mam-maw asked Brenna to get her bag from the car and when she opened the door Catie said, "HI!"  Brenna was so thrilled! It was a wonderful surprise!  I'm glad these two friends were able to spend a little more time together!

 Even though it was a less than 24 hour visit, we fit in lots of talking, laughing and visiting....

 a few games,

 some playdough fun,

And sitting out on the porch while it rained outside.  I sure do love my family and I'm so thankful for every visit from them!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Easter Fun and Some Great Visitors!

 We have had a great, but busy past few weeks!  I want to try and catch up on all the happenings, but life doesn't slow down, so I'm throwing a bunch of posts into one.

We are loving having visitors here and there.  We are just such a perfect location for those heading up north to have a quick stop to visit our family.  And we love it!

 My sister and her sweet kiddos took a few days to have their Spring Break at our house.  We loved having cousins in the house!
 Constant laughing, playing, and getting dirty was the order for everyday!  My kids loved every single minute.
 We also enjoyed having The Fishers stop by for a visit on Easter.  Love this family!  Their girls have such a servant's heart.  Of course, we had to color our Easter eggs.  It's always fun with more!

 Then, it was a big day at church for Easter and an Egg Hunt!.  Talk about excitement!

 The Lord is really blessing at VSIBC!  It's so exciting!!
 Micah is loving his new friend Carter.  They play so well together!

 And, of course, Josh was beaming that weekend.  Can you tell?

What a blessing to have family and friends with us as we celebrated a Risen Savior!  God is so good!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Micah's Day

We all enjoyed Micah's 3rd birthday so much!  He woke us all up quite early (before the sun!)  so he could open his gifts.

When we were asking him what he would like for a present, he kept telling us he wanted Reese's.  So, that was definitely one of his gifts!  He loved them!

He was very happy to have a whole new set of playdough with lots of colors!

And new cowboy boots were a big hit, too!

For his birthday cupcake we made Reese's Cupcake that I found from this site.  The Peanut Butter Buttercream was sooooo yummy!

There was plenty of time for play...

shooting waterguns...

and playing with new toys. 

A day filled with wonderful memories.  

Happy Birthday Micah Roo!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday to my Micah!

 Today my Micah turned 3.  Wow.  3!  What a sweet baby he has been, but I guess now it's time to call him a little boy....well, maybe eventually!

 This little guy has our hearts for sure!  His adorable dimple just gets me!  He has that I-know-I'm-cute look!

 He is doing very well sitting through most of Silas's kindergarten and he's learning so much!  We were doing all the special card sounds and Micah knows every one!

 His new favorite thing to play with is play dough.  It's a daily event for him.  He loves the little tools in the set and he makes a lot of cookies for me with them!

 He's enjoying being in the nursery at VSIBC and is so glad to have his new friend, Carter.  They play so well together!

 Told's that dimple.  It got you too, didn't it? :o)

 He's definitely very good at making his wishes known.  Of course, we are still working on his manners, as is typical for a 3 year old, but he is very polite!  He's so proud of himself when he remembers to say his "Yes, Ma'am"  He will say, "Did you hear that Momma?  I said Yes Ma'am!!"  He thinks it's super funny to tell me, "Yes Sir!"  Little Stinker!

 We have a snake (very scary for me!) that we have seen around our yard a few times.  I am not a snake lover.  I get nightmares. Even if it is of the harmless variety. But, Micah thinks it's a pretty cool thing that we have a snake in our yard.  He's named him Mr. No Feet.

 Micah knows how to get to his Momma's heart.  Quite often he will tell me that I'm beautiful, gorgeous, pretty and precious.  And usually tells me all 4 at a time.  Love this kid!

 What a sweet little guy we have!  He brings so much joy to our home and many giggles, too.  He still likes to snuggle and I'm loving every second I have of that.  I pray that he will one day make the best make Jesus His Savior.  That will be a wonderful day!  But, until then, I will keep praying for my precious boy.  And keep pointing the way to Jesus.  I sure do love being His Momma.  There's no greater job than that!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What's new on our little farm

Much has happened on our "Family Farm"  this month!  It's exciting to watch our work pay off!
 Our chicks are growing and getting their feathers.  When they started roosting on the side of the rubbermaid, we  knew it was time for them to get a better home.

 Patrick and Josh built a really neat mini-coop for them.  They love it!  It's going to be about 5 more weeks before they can move in with the "big girls"

 My roses are blooming.   I am in shock.  I am horrible with plants, but this one is doing well!

 Patrick's blackberry bushes are making a second chance sprout.  We're hoping they will produce well so we can make some pie and jam!

 Several weeks ago we had a large area tilled and Patrick began planting.  I think we're planning on feeding an army or something!

 Even in our sandy dirt, vegetables are sprouting and growing!

 We have a baby acorn squash growing!

 Our banana peppers are blooming!

 Our tomato plants have beautiful flowers!

 Our strawberry plants are healthy and growing!

 Our beans are getting taller!

 Even my hydrangeas are growing!

Surprisingly, that' not all that's growing....

Even our family is growing!

Are you shocked?  Yes, we are too.  Extremely!!  But, we are so blessed!  Much prayers would be appreciated as we approach this pregnancy with a little more thought towards my health.  The Lord is good all the time!