
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Callie's Day

 It's been a couple of weeks since my Callie's Birthday, but I still wanted to share her wonderful, fun day!  She woke up ready to open her many gifts!  With some brothers who were quite excited as well.

 She requested pancakes and sausage for breakfast.

 Then, we told her to wait in her room while we prepared a surprise for her.  She has been talking for quite a while about having a "beach party"  She told me that you have to set up a big blanket (and even showed me the perfect spot at our house), have nice drink nearby, music playing, sand toys and a beach party was her surprise!
 She loved her new kiddie pool and was so excited to play!  Our water was quite cold and they were shivering messes when they were done, but I loved hearing all the giggles from my girl!

 One of the treats of being 5 is that you don't have to take naps anymore.  She just has to have a quiet time in a quiet spot with a pillow, blanket and a book.  She was so happy!

She loved her new princess gown from Grandpa and Grandma.  I love how she's a little princess one moment, then making mudpies and shooting water guns the next!

 Then, it was time for cake.  she wanted a cake that tasted like berries, with berries on top.  My girls did a great job at that!

It was an absolutely great day celebrating my Callie turning 5! (Notice how many changes of clothes she went through?)  I love my fun-loving girl!


  1. What a wonderful day for dear Callie. What a delightful girl she is too!

  2. I'm so glad she had a great birthday!

  3. What a wonderful day for dear Callie. What a delightful girl she is too!
