
Friday, May 8, 2015


....have you thought about it lately?  Have you thought about the beautiful place Christ said He is going to prepare for us?  Have you thought of the place where there will be no pain, no tears?  Have you thought about the loved ones you have there already?

The past couple of days have made our family think a little more on heaven.

At our midwife appointment everything was going great, until it was time to find the heartbeat with the doppler.  She searched and searched, but there was no heartbeat heard.  Our sweet midwife reassured us that it is still quite early to hear a heartbeat since we were just a couple of days shy of 11 weeks.  But, she thought it would be best to have an ultrasound and verify things.

I felt the wave of emotions that comes with not knowing how your precious baby is doing.  We went the next morning for an ultrasound, and the technician confirmed my fear....our baby did not have a heartbeat.  We have another sweet baby we will one day meet in heaven.

I've thought a lot in the past few days about things we say.  Things like, "We've lost the baby."  But, before I could say that, I thought that really our baby is not lost.   Our sweet little one is with Jesus in better place to be.  The only thing that is "lost" are the memories we thought we would share with our little blessing.  Welcoming the baby into the world and our family. Watching first steps, listening to first words, having heart to heart conversations.  But our baby truly is not lost.  We know where our loved ones are.  They are safe and protected in heaven.  Our little one, that we chose to name Zebby Faith, is now meeting our 2 other little ones, Bethany Kristine and Josiah Boone, and best of all, our Zebby is in the arms of Jesus.  The best place.

Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time.


  1. I'm so glad you have the comfort of Jesus. Sending you love.

  2. I found you blog through the lockwood family and have followed for about a year. I was excited to hear you were expecting because I to had just found out I was with my 6th. We were so excited and had asked God for a long time to us for this child. Last Wednesday we found out it was an ectopic pregnancy and our sweet baby had gone to be with Jesus. Just wanted you to know that I weep with you. We live in Williston FL and go to Faith Baptist Tabernacle, Richard Harding is one of our pastors. Its a conservative baptist church. If you are ever in the area we would love to meet you all. I know where ft white is as my sister in law.lives in lakecity. I know you just started a church, but if you are free and need some.fellowship you are welcome. We have services on Sunday at 10 &.11 AM and.1:30 pm also wednesday night at 7:30 pm. We have lots of large families in our church. May God comfort your family. Kimber-Leigh Maxson

  3. Oh, Kami. I did not even know, but now that I do, I hurt for your ache too. I know that grief oh so well, but for me only one time. I will be praying for you, my dear friend, and for your sweet family during this time. May God give you His comfort just as He has done for me . . .

  4. Oh, friend! I, too, missed your announcement! Hugs and prayers to you. Rejoicing in the promise of Heaven and that glad reunion day some day soon.

  5. So sorry for your loss! And even more glad that it's not permanent. Your sweet spirit and strong faith shine through your words.

  6. Dearest Kami, am so sorry to hear about baby Zebby. One day when you are reunited with Zebby and your two other precious children there will be much rejoicing. In the meantime, I'm saying some prayers for you and your family. Hugs. xx
