
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Memories of Motherhood Ladies Meeting

 We had such a wonderful ladies meeting at VSIBC!  The girls and I had a wonderful time  brainstorming for ideas and decorating!

Our theme was "Memories of Motherhood"

 The devotion I chose to do was on 3 things in Motherhood that do not change :The significance of Mothers, The significance of Grandmothers, and The significance of God's Promises in our daily life.  To help us remember the last point, I set up a craft table for us to make a cute hanging chalkboard to write a promise for the day on.  It was so much fun crafting together!

It was so precious to see the Bible verses that the ladies picked out for their promises.

The ladies of VSIBC are so precious!  I'm so thankful for them and their sweet spirits!

 Of course we had to have lots of yummy food!  The fresh fruits in Northern Florida are so yummy!

 We've had 2 wonderful Kindred Hearts Ladies Fellowship meetings!  We're already looking forward to the next one!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like you had so much fun. It is always so great to fellowship with other ladies (and girls). The fruit salad looks awesome too! Blessings & hugs. xx

  3. Looks like a very blessed time!
    We read your blog almost every day...and we are blessed by reading it!
    It is nice to see what your family is up to!
    The fresh Florida fruit looks great...:)
    Many blessings from our home to yours~
    The Mayo Family

    p.s. where did you get the chalkboards?
