
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Preparing HER for HIM

About 5 years ago, I did a summer study on the Proverbs 31 woman with my girls.  In one of the posts, we made "Lifetime Goals".  I love looking at that page taped in my Bible.  It reminds of what I really want to be and accomplish with my life.  At the time we wrote those goals my girls were 12 and 11.  A couple years after we made those goals, I added one more to my list.  It says this:

 ~To prepare my children for adulthood

My girls are now 17, and one month away from 16....adulthood is approaching fast! too fast   I've had something on my heart about preparing my girls for their future.  As a wife that was created for her husband, I realize that I need to start preparing my girls for the one they were created for....their husband. 

 I have mentioned before that I love to read Genesis 2:18, but make it more personal for me.  When doing this, it will say, "And the LORD God said, It is not good that Patrick should be alone;  I will make Kami a help meet for him."  I love to think that God made me to be the completer to my husband.  What a great responsibility!  So, as I think on this, I want to take my lifetime goal of preparing my girls for their future spouse and put it into action and share it on my blog.

  I am going to be starting a series called "Preparing HER for HIM"  I would like to write about things that I will be teaching them...things that I have learned, I am learning, and would like to learn. 

 It's going to be fun!  I'd like to cover things such as

-Planning meals and your day
-Farming and Gardening
-Stewardship with your money
-Daily Devotions
-Child Training

I could go on and on!! There's so much that I want them to learn and to prepare them to be the very best Mrs. ? they could be!  I sure do love my girls and preparing them for their future is truly a blessing and an honor.  I love being their Momma!


  1. This is a great idea Kami. My sense is that you have already taught them so many of these things but it will be good to put it altogether as they get closer to adulthood. Hugs and blessings. xx

  2. Great idea! I am REALLY looking forward to your posts on this. I know it will help me even as a married wife! And I am so excited about what you are doing with your girls.

  3. This is a great subject and will help many who are preparing their daughters also.
