
Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Sweet Callie

 It was about a year ago that my Callie Grace prayed a prayer to be saved.  It was so sweet and we were thankful for her tender heart.  We did wonder how much she understood and how much she was wanting to be like her big brother that just got saved.  We began to pray. We asked the Lord to show us evidence of her salvation, or work on her heart to see that she needed Him.

  Several months ago she started raising her hand in Junior Church and Sunday School saying that she wasn't sure she was saved.  When I would talk to her she would tell me she "just didn't know."  But then she would change the subject, so I knew I didn't need to press her.

 This morning in Sunday School, I taught on heaven.  One of the points I explained was that only people that have accepted Christ as their Savior are going there.  She looked concerned and raised her hand again that she didn't know.  But, still, she wasn't ready to talk.
 Tonight at church there was a big storm.  Lots and lots of rain, thunder, and lightening.  During one of our specials, I looked at Callie on the front row and she was crying.  Her upset face almost brought me to tears.  As soon as I was done singing the song "About the Cross", I brought her to the back and talked with her.  It was then and there that she knew she needed to get saved!

 She prayed the sweetest prayer to her Heavenly Father!  Of course I had lots of tears of joy!  She was so joyful!  After we hugged and cried, she asked, "But Momma, what if I forget?"  My sweet baby girl was so excited and wanted to remember!  I told her that having this crazy storm, and then crying on the front row, and then praying in the back of the church, just the two of us....she would remember.   So thankful for my baby girl!  So excited to be able to lead her to the Lord!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so precious. I am so happy for Callie, and for all of you. She has the same spiritual birthday as Ephraim, a young Deaf man over here! He got saved Sunday night too!
