
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Visit to my Mam-maws

 Everyone loves my Mam-maw.  She's just that kind of lady.  When she became sick several months ago we were all worried.  When the doctor said it was cancer, we all hurt with her and began praying.  About two weeks ago she had surgery to remove the cancer and the doctor believes it was a very successful surgery.  Praise the Lord!  Through this time she has become weak....not a descriptive word that normally goes with my Mam-maw!  I was so thankful and blessed to be able to go and spend the week with her as she recovers in Michigan!

 I left on a Monday and after a crazy reroute in my plane to Miami, I arrived in Michigan for a wonderful lunch.  I had a great week trying my best to take care of my Mam-maw.  She's not really used to being "taken care of", that's her job!  But, she did let me do a little cleaning.  We enjoyed small walks together to the mailbox and playing Phase 10.  Then, while she rested, my Aunt Robin (aka Momma Michigan) took me out for some fun things!  Basically she was my taxi driver that was ready to spoil me!  We had so much fun and I ate so much good food!

 Being there for the week brought back so many memories of my childhood spending time with my Mam-maw and Pap-paw on their "farm."  These days it doesn't look so much like a farm, but a well cared for, well loved home.  So many good memories.

The week went by quickly and I said some sad goodbyes to my Michigan family.  At the end of the day, many smiling faces were waiting for me.  I sure did miss them! What a great husband to keep things smoothly running while I am away.  I am so thankful for my Godly Heritage!


  1. Prayers for healing for your wonderful maw maw!

  2. So sorry to hear that your mawmaw was sick, but I'm glad to hear she is getting better.
