
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mini-Vacay to Fort Myers!

 We had such a great few days last week when we took a little trip down to see our family in Fort Myers.  It's been a busy bunch of months in North Central Florida, but it was definitely time to head down for some quality time and a few days of
 R & R.  Who am I kidding?  There's too much to do and too many people to see for R & R!  But, that's how I like it!   So....just a warning...there are too many pictures for one post, but I couldn't figure out which to eliminate!
 My kiddos love their cousin time!

 My Dad promised Callie that everyday he would bring her a flower.  And as Silas puts it, "When Grandpa tells you something, he keeps it!"

 I was so excited to spend a couple of hours at the beach. Oh how I've missed it!  My toes couldn't wait to feel the sand!

 Callie was hoping we would find a starfish.  And we did!

 Any extra time with my sister, Tay, is a time with lots of giggles and laughter!  It's times that I treasure, for sure!

 My sweet Mom cleared her schedule so she could be at my beck and call.  It was so wonderful!  And she spoiled me some, too!

 Then, it was off to Grandpa's carlot for a carwash!

 Checking out Callie's loose tooth.

 It's tradition for the kids to play CandyLand with Grammy.  I'm thinking maybe Silas won this game?

 Or maybe he didn't.  I love the look on their faces!

 Having a yummy meal at Denise's.  She's such a good cook!

 We always enjoy being at Winkler Road Baptist Church.  There are so many faithful prayer warriors there praying for us and loving on us!  My 3 little ones were excited that it was the Fall Festival in King's Kid's that night!  Callie was happy that the hay ride actually had hay!

 Micah was happy that he won the cake walk.  Those pumpkin cupcakes were so yummy!!

 Another day, another bouquet.

 On the way home we met the Fisher girls at Culvers for a bite to eat.  Anytime we get to spend with this family is a special time.  They have become very dear to us!
And then, before we knew it, we were almost home.  It went by so quick, but it was a wonderful trip.  And there's much to be done in High Springs!

Loving this life that God is letting me live!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos. Look like everyone had a wonderful time! I love too that your little boy knows that grandpa is a man of his word. I love people who are reliable and their word is true. God bless. xx
