
Sunday, November 1, 2015


 I was glancing through my photos on the computer and looked at this picture..... was taken exactly one year ago, today (November 1, 2014)
Wow, What a time!  We were packing up, saying our good-byes, thinking about the renvoations to our new home ahead, dreaming of starting a church in High was a great time, yet a little stressful, too.  The girls and I were talking this morning about stability and how a Momma seems to thrive in an atmosphere of stability.  Moving isn't necessarily one of those times.  It's more a time of being flexible.  A time of contemplating if an item is really worth boxing up.  A time of sadness as you say good-bye yet a time of excitement looking ahead.

I can truly say that I am enjoying this time of a little more "stability."  I love having my home set up. (somewhat.  A home is never really done!) I'm loving organizing and trying to make things more efficient.  I'm loving having a schedule.  (we have a basic schedule, but flexibility is still such a must in the ministry!)  I guess I just really love this season of my life!

And this next picture has nothing to do with this post, except it was in the same folder as the above folder.  It was too cute not to post!

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